【成语】: 恰如其分 【拼音】: qià rú qí fèn
【解释】: 恰:正好。指办事或说话正合分寸。
【成语】: 毫发不爽 【拼音】: háo fà bù shuǎng
【解释】: 毫:细毛;发:头发;爽:差错。形容一点不差。
【出处】: 宋·朱熹《朱子语类》卷十四:“便是心中许多道理,光明鉴照,毫发不差。”
【成语】: 丝毫不差 【拼音】: sī háo bù chà
【解释】: 丝毫:都是微小的计量单位,用来形容极小或很小。形容一点也不欠缺。
形容恰到好处的四字词语 【成语】: 一言中的 【拼音】: yī yán zhōng dì
【解释】: 的:箭靶的中心。一句话正好射中箭靶。比喻一句话就说到关键的地方。
【成语】: 一语破的 【拼音】: yī yǔ pò dì
【解释】: 的:箭靶的中心。一句话就说中要害。
【出处】: 清·王士禛《带经堂诗话·品藻类》:“此跋论东坡,语语破的。”
关于成语(恰到好处)的成语解释和意思 【拼音】: qià dào hǎo chù
【解释】: 恰:恰好。指说话做事恰好到了最合适的地步。
【出处】: 清·况周颐《惠风词话》卷一:“恰到好处,恰够消息。毋不及,毋太过。”
和成语(恰到好处)意思相反的四字词语 【成语】: 离题万里 【拼音】: lí tí wàn lǐ
【解释】: 形容写文章或说话同要讲得主题距离很远,毫不相干。
【出处】: 朱自清《论废话》:“有些人说话爱跑野马,闹得‘游骑无归’。有些人作文‘下笔千言,离题万里’。”
【成语】: 废话连篇 【拼音】: fèi huà lián piān
【解释】: 形容文章或言谈中不必要的废话太多。
(1) He dealt with the matter in a proper way.
(2) The length of this bamboo pole is just right.
(3) After strict training, the etiquette lady (from the sentence making work) is just right in every move.
(4) What Xiaofang's mother said is just right.
(5) His speech ended just right, but the host insisted on adding a few words, which destroyed the whole atmosphere.
(6) Laotian's handling of the matter was just and proper, just and proper.
(7) The description of scenery in the novel set off the character of the story perfectly.
(8) You are right in saying this, which will not hurt his feelings, but also enable him to understand and achieve our goal.
(9) His speech was well measured and both sides were satisfied.
【成语】: 恰如其分 【拼音】: qià rú qí fèn
【解释】: 恰:正好。指办事或说话正合分寸。
【成语】: 毫发不爽 【拼音】: háo fà bù shuǎng
【解释】: 毫:细毛;发:头发;爽:差错。形容一点不差。
【出处】: 宋·朱熹《朱子语类》卷十四:“便是心中许多道理,光明鉴照,毫发不差。”
【成语】: 丝毫不差 【拼音】: sī háo bù chà
【解释】: 丝毫:都是微小的计量单位,用来形容极小或很小。形容一点也不欠缺。
形容恰到好处的四字词语 【成语】: 一言中的 【拼音】: yī yán zhōng dì
【解释】: 的:箭靶的中心。一句话正好射中箭靶。比喻一句话就说到关键的地方。
【成语】: 一语破的 【拼音】: yī yǔ pò dì
【解释】: 的:箭靶的中心。一句话就说中要害。
【出处】: 清·王士禛《带经堂诗话·品藻类》:“此跋论东坡,语语破的。”
关于成语(恰到好处)的成语解释和意思 【拼音】: qià dào hǎo chù
【解释】: 恰:恰好。指说话做事恰好到了最合适的地步。
【出处】: 清·况周颐《惠风词话》卷一:“恰到好处,恰够消息。毋不及,毋太过。”
和成语(恰到好处)意思相反的四字词语 【成语】: 离题万里 【拼音】: lí tí wàn lǐ
【解释】: 形容写文章或说话同要讲得主题距离很远,毫不相干。
【出处】: 朱自清《论废话》:“有些人说话爱跑野马,闹得‘游骑无归’。有些人作文‘下笔千言,离题万里’。”
【成语】: 废话连篇 【拼音】: fèi huà lián piān
【解释】: 形容文章或言谈中不必要的废话太多。
(1) He dealt with the matter in a proper way.
(2) The length of this bamboo pole is just right.
(3) After strict training, the etiquette lady (from the sentence making work) is just right in every move.
(4) What Xiaofang's mother said is just right.
(5) His speech ended just right, but the host insisted on adding a few words, which destroyed the whole atmosphere.
(6) Laotian's handling of the matter was just and proper, just and proper.
(7) The description of scenery in the novel set off the character of the story perfectly.
(8) You are right in saying this, which will not hurt his feelings, but also enable him to understand and achieve our goal.
(9) His speech was well measured and both sides were satisfied.
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