短语搭配:Motorbike GP摩托大赛 ; 摩托英豪 ; 摩托车大奖赛,Extreme Motorbike极限摩托 ; 极限摩托车,Uno motorbike他以发明独轮摩托车,Homer Motorbike河马杰伊摩托车,motorbike frame车架,MOTORBIKE PARKING摩托车,Ace Motorbike王牌摩托,Motorbike HD摩托车特技 ; 越野摩托车 ; 摩托车特技游戏。
1、You imagine being on a bicycle or motorbike; you go around the corner, you lean into the corner, which remains perfectly upright in physics.想象一下骑着自行车和摩托车走在拐弯处时,你朝着拐角处倾斜,这在物理上仍然保持了完全笔直。
2、No,thank you.I'm not going to risk my neck on the back of your motorbike. 不,我不去冒险坐在你的摩托车后座上.
3、He drove his motorbike up and down the drive at full throttle.他骑着摩托车,开足油门,在车道上来回奔驰。