洗车英文是Car Wash.
I'm going to the car wash to get my car cleaned and polished. (我要去洗车房给我的车清洁和打磨。)
The car wash offers a range of services, from basic wash to full detailing. (这个洗车场提供多种服务,从基本洗车到全面细节处理。)
They use environmentally-friendly products at the car wash to minimize water wastage. (他们在洗车场使用环保产品,以减少水的浪费。)
Due to the rain, the car wash had fewer customers today. (由于下雨的原因,今天洗车房的客人较少。)
The car wash attendant carefully vacuumed the interior and washed the exterior of the vehicle. (洗车房的工作人员认真地清理了车内并洗了车外。)
I always enjoy the convenience of a drive-through car wash. (我总是喜欢驶入式洗车房的便利。)
The automatic car wash uses high-pressure jets to remove dirt and grime from the car's surface. (自动洗车机使用高压喷水器从汽车表面清除污垢和尘垢。)
My car looks brand new after a thorough wash at the car wash. (我的车在洗车房进行彻底清洗后看起来像崭新的一样。)
Some car washes offer additional services such as waxing and tire dressing. (一些洗车房还提供其他服务,如打蜡和轮胎装饰。)
The car wash is open seven days a week for your convenience. (为了方便起见,这个洗车房每周七天开放。)