1、water cycle;water circulation 或者是hydrological cycle
2、整个过程:地球上的水从地表蒸发,凝结成云,降水到径流,积累到土中或水域,再次蒸发,进行周而复始的循环过程。The water on the earth is evaporated from the surface , and condensed into clouds, and then rained down to runoff, accumulated to soil or water, once again, go round and round。
2、整个过程:地球上的水从地表蒸发,凝结成云,降水到径流,积累到土中或水域,再次蒸发,进行周而复始的循环过程。The water on the earth is evaporated from the surface , and condensed into clouds, and then rained down to runoff, accumulated to soil or water, once again, go round and round。