
Discussthepeopleyouadmiremost.Youshoulddescribetheirappearanceandpersonalityandtellth... Discuss the people you admire most.You should describe their appearance and personality and tell the reason why you admire them.
2010-12-23 · 超过26用户采纳过TA的回答
A: today is my!but,I almost forget. 对了,今天是我的生日。我几乎忘了
B:Happy birthday, A ! Here is a present for you. I hope you like it.
A:Oh, great! I love it! You know I've been expecting this for a long time.
B: I'm very glad to hear that.

C:hi, D today we are you going?
D:wo,today is A‘s birthday。Have you forgetten?
C: I`ve got to get a birthday gift for A。What are you going to get her?
D:ti is a secret

C、D:Happy birthday, here are gift for you.
A:Oh, chocolates,I love chocolates
D:hat's in the box then?
A:Oh,what a nice toy car!

E:I`ve got a real problem.
F:What`s the problem?
E:you know。Today is a A’birthday
F: yes, What are you going to get her?
E: I need to get something more thoughtful.
F: I bought her a nice necklace.

G:hi B。Where are you?
B:I'm in the A house, you come?
G:I've just bought a present。'll be coming
B:Yes, h don't know where you put him over to play
G:Well, wait to meet

G、H: Happy birthdayA, We arrived late. This is a present for you, i hope it can promote best
A:Oh, great! I love it! You know。H thank you can come today
H:Yes, because i know you today the most beautiful
A:Come here; let me introduce some friends to you.

GH: ,E , You are so, right?
E:Tell, i am happy starved
H: Oh, a, we will blow out the candles out
A: I get a cake. oh, and a cola and i'm thirsty
H: What shall i come to help?

A:Friends and come this way.
CDF:Wow, what a beautiful cake!
F: However, or you the most beautiful

D\F: Wow, a, where did you make the cake, i've never seen anything so beautiful
A:The next time i give you a
H:Blow out the candles, A, but first make a wish.
A:What should I wish for?
B:Anything you want, but don't tell us. If you tell your wish, it won't come true.
A: But i'm getting old, so
BEC: We were old, but today, we would like to wait on you the queen as
A: Fancy today, so many people, thank you for your
GFCD: After you all happiness of today is the most important
A: Let the candle blew
A: Today i was touched, my dear friends
H: Because you are a great friend, a, today we're happy, is not it?
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