以“my education”为题写一篇英语作文
my education Well,it is summer and many of the local kindergartens have been having their open houses.So far I have gone to one that held a sports type festival (I cried most the time,too many kids and I feel on my face,nose first into the sand).I have another one next thursday at the Church's kindergarten just to compare.My girlfriend already is going to one for three years.I haven't really shown much interest in it.My mama teaches me at home so I think I am lucky.We go to dinosaur exhibitions,Louvre art exhibitions (not that I know what this word means yet,I think it means alot of crowded people who stand in my way).I also have two science experiments going on right now,one for biology and one for botany.
My biology is observing the developement from a tadpole to a frog in two different environments.How's that for a research paper topic!Maybe I will be famous.My mama and papa gathered about ten tadpoles from a local rice paddy.We have eight of them outside in a tank with floating plants,snails (two types,one that lays too many eggs and another you can eat) and some dragonfly larvae.So far one dragonfly larvae has eaten the other two,I think they look more like spiders.We have two tadpoles inside a smaller tank with one snail (no eggs).One tadpole died,maybe because the dragonfly larvae got to it before we could rescue it.My mama printed off a small poster of the five stages of a tadpole and I have to observe and color the right picture that matches the tadpole while she dates it.So far the tadpole inside is growing faster than the ones outside,maybe because it is warmer inside than outside and maybe the water is cleaner.He looks more like a frog now than the ones outside.
Today I noticed a new change in my tadpole!It is now in the fourth stage and looks more like a frog but with a short tail.My mama didn't even notice so I told her immediately and I was very excitied to draw her attention to this new change and in just a couple of days too!I was even able to color my frog the proper colour and we now know which species it is called.It is a Hyla Japonica,a green tree frog.We quickly checked the tadpoles outside and saw that only one of the eight is the same species (similiar in development stage and same coloring).So we have at least one more,if not two,species left to distinguish (I love my three year old vocabulary,I sound so sophisticated).I have added an internet photo of the frog that my mama found online so you can see what my tadpole will finally become.I am excitied!
As for my botany experiment,I am growing goya (an Okinawan cucumber that looks like a long green hedgehog).I planted seven seeds by myself and water them.That is my job.Two of them have died while the other five are doing ok.I have a family,all planted the same time but all different sizes,I have a "baby" measuring at about 1 inch,"grandparents" varying from 2-3 inches,and "papa" at 4 inches and a "mama" at 7 inches.She was the first to grow and is very healthy.Maybe because she is closer to the wall,planted away from the drainage hole,and has half shade and sun.I must observe further.
Here is a video my mama found on how to get ready for school in five minutes (takes my mama an hour just to get out of her zombie stage.
My biology is observing the developement from a tadpole to a frog in two different environments.How's that for a research paper topic!Maybe I will be famous.My mama and papa gathered about ten tadpoles from a local rice paddy.We have eight of them outside in a tank with floating plants,snails (two types,one that lays too many eggs and another you can eat) and some dragonfly larvae.So far one dragonfly larvae has eaten the other two,I think they look more like spiders.We have two tadpoles inside a smaller tank with one snail (no eggs).One tadpole died,maybe because the dragonfly larvae got to it before we could rescue it.My mama printed off a small poster of the five stages of a tadpole and I have to observe and color the right picture that matches the tadpole while she dates it.So far the tadpole inside is growing faster than the ones outside,maybe because it is warmer inside than outside and maybe the water is cleaner.He looks more like a frog now than the ones outside.
Today I noticed a new change in my tadpole!It is now in the fourth stage and looks more like a frog but with a short tail.My mama didn't even notice so I told her immediately and I was very excitied to draw her attention to this new change and in just a couple of days too!I was even able to color my frog the proper colour and we now know which species it is called.It is a Hyla Japonica,a green tree frog.We quickly checked the tadpoles outside and saw that only one of the eight is the same species (similiar in development stage and same coloring).So we have at least one more,if not two,species left to distinguish (I love my three year old vocabulary,I sound so sophisticated).I have added an internet photo of the frog that my mama found online so you can see what my tadpole will finally become.I am excitied!
As for my botany experiment,I am growing goya (an Okinawan cucumber that looks like a long green hedgehog).I planted seven seeds by myself and water them.That is my job.Two of them have died while the other five are doing ok.I have a family,all planted the same time but all different sizes,I have a "baby" measuring at about 1 inch,"grandparents" varying from 2-3 inches,and "papa" at 4 inches and a "mama" at 7 inches.She was the first to grow and is very healthy.Maybe because she is closer to the wall,planted away from the drainage hole,and has half shade and sun.I must observe further.
Here is a video my mama found on how to get ready for school in five minutes (takes my mama an hour just to get out of her zombie stage.