when i was touring colleges,i remembered that the most important aspect of the tour was the dining hall.it was the only place where you could see the students in their ture colors and you could get a real sense of community from the dining halls. what kind of posters for on and off campus events are displayed? do the students linger over their food, talking to friends ,or do they race out ,using the dining hall as just a waystation?
my frist glimpse of the dining hall at wellesley was impressive.a huge salad bar with every topping imaginable ,high ceilings, Gothic architecture,and a mix of pajama dressed students minlling around with the women in suits returning from recruting interviews. wellesley is a place where you will linger over your meals,and the dining hall system is such that you are encouraged to make the dining rooms the center of your social life, it's important for the dining hall to be a social and warm place . i spent many happy lunchtimes, late lingering dinners and lazysunday brunches with friends at wellesely in the dining halls. i realized how much i missed wellesley recently when i stopped by the dining hall to grap a cup of hot cocoa on a campus visit .watching the students talking and laughing made me so miss my time at the school. and seeing the amazing food they had that day made me really miss a real meal every day! 展开
my frist glimpse of the dining hall at wellesley was impressive.a huge salad bar with every topping imaginable ,high ceilings, Gothic architecture,and a mix of pajama dressed students minlling around with the women in suits returning from recruting interviews. wellesley is a place where you will linger over your meals,and the dining hall system is such that you are encouraged to make the dining rooms the center of your social life, it's important for the dining hall to be a social and warm place . i spent many happy lunchtimes, late lingering dinners and lazysunday brunches with friends at wellesely in the dining halls. i realized how much i missed wellesley recently when i stopped by the dining hall to grap a cup of hot cocoa on a campus visit .watching the students talking and laughing made me so miss my time at the school. and seeing the amazing food they had that day made me really miss a real meal every day! 展开
第一次来韦兹利的食堂就让我印象深刻,一个布满所有你可想象配料的巨大沙拉台子,高高的天花板,哥特式的建筑,一群着睡衣的学生和刚从招聘会上回来装着套装的女士。韦兹利是一个能让你细品食物的地方,食堂便是你社交生活的中心。一个温暖的地方。在那儿,我有过许多和朋友们快乐的午餐回忆,有时晚晚饭,有时晚早饭。当我在一次校园访问中,在食堂拿着杯热可可的时候,才意识的我是多么的思念韦兹利。看着学生讨论,谈笑,让我无比思念自己在这的时光。而这美美的食物也让我特别想念在这里的每次就餐。 over
第一次来韦兹利的食堂就让我印象深刻,一个布满所有你可想象配料的巨大沙拉台子,高高的天花板,哥特式的建筑,一群着睡衣的学生和刚从招聘会上回来装着套装的女士。韦兹利是一个能让你细品食物的地方,食堂便是你社交生活的中心。一个温暖的地方。在那儿,我有过许多和朋友们快乐的午餐回忆,有时晚晚饭,有时晚早饭。当我在一次校园访问中,在食堂拿着杯热可可的时候,才意识的我是多么的思念韦兹利。看着学生讨论,谈笑,让我无比思念自己在这的时光。而这美美的食物也让我特别想念在这里的每次就餐。 over
我在不同大学里参观的时候,印象最深刻的部分总是食堂。那是整个大学中唯一能发现学生本色的地方。同时在这你能够确实感受到学生社区的氛围:你能找到校区内外不同活动的海报;你能发现有些学生一边慢慢享用食物一边社交,而另外一些学生则是速战速决(这里是rush out),把食堂当成中转站。
(建议:From my experience of different college campus tours, the most impressive thing is always the dining hall. You can see the true faces of students and get a real feeling about the community over there: Posters about various on-and-off campus activities and events; students enjoy the food and socialize at the same time; people rush in and out like visiting the bus station....)
我对Wellesley餐厅的第一印象就是一个有所有你能想到的甜品酱的超大沙拉吧:高高的天花板,哥特式建筑风格,各种各样穿着睡衣来来往往的学生(注:什么地方啊,student hall里面?),混搭着从招聘会面回来穿着职业装的女性。Wellesley就是这样一个地方,你可以花费很多时间吃东西,把整个餐厅当作是你社会生活的中心。(对我来说)餐厅是个温和友善的社交胜地真的很重要,我在这享用了很多愉快的中餐,迟迟不归的晚餐,和慵懒的周末早茶(早午餐),(注:这些记忆可能将伴随我一生)。最近一次回校访问时,我到餐厅里点了杯热可可,突然意识到自己有多么想念Wellesley的校园生活(注:尤其是吃饭的记忆:P);看着这些熟悉不熟悉的面孔放声大笑海侃,闻着这里提供的超赞食物,我顿时不能自理,泪牛满面,党妈妈,我终于找到家了!(呵呵,其实应该是“看着学生聊天谈笑使我分外怀念这里的每一分钟,看着那天他们提供的精美食品让我特别思念那些记忆中的真正美食。”)
(建议:From my experience of different college campus tours, the most impressive thing is always the dining hall. You can see the true faces of students and get a real feeling about the community over there: Posters about various on-and-off campus activities and events; students enjoy the food and socialize at the same time; people rush in and out like visiting the bus station....)
我对Wellesley餐厅的第一印象就是一个有所有你能想到的甜品酱的超大沙拉吧:高高的天花板,哥特式建筑风格,各种各样穿着睡衣来来往往的学生(注:什么地方啊,student hall里面?),混搭着从招聘会面回来穿着职业装的女性。Wellesley就是这样一个地方,你可以花费很多时间吃东西,把整个餐厅当作是你社会生活的中心。(对我来说)餐厅是个温和友善的社交胜地真的很重要,我在这享用了很多愉快的中餐,迟迟不归的晚餐,和慵懒的周末早茶(早午餐),(注:这些记忆可能将伴随我一生)。最近一次回校访问时,我到餐厅里点了杯热可可,突然意识到自己有多么想念Wellesley的校园生活(注:尤其是吃饭的记忆:P);看着这些熟悉不熟悉的面孔放声大笑海侃,闻着这里提供的超赞食物,我顿时不能自理,泪牛满面,党妈妈,我终于找到家了!(呵呵,其实应该是“看着学生聊天谈笑使我分外怀念这里的每一分钟,看着那天他们提供的精美食品让我特别思念那些记忆中的真正美食。”)
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