
3应用分析水路运输共有不占或少占地、运输成本低、运能大、能耗少、污染小以及港口综合功能强六个特有的技术经济特征;水路运输以其参与综合运输网的分工,具有广阔的发展前景和重要... 3应用分析
“十五”期间珠江水系通航里程15550公里,占全国通航总里程的1/10,共新增公共码头泊位118个,新增吞吐能力1718万吨。“十五”期珠江水系快速发展,货运量、货物周转量、集装箱运量平均增长分别为4.9 %、13.2 %和15.8 %,内河港口吞吐量年均增长13.4 %。珠江的最大优势主要是高附加值货物比较多,2006年,整个珠江水系运量达到2.79亿吨,居全国第二位;集装箱运量达660多万TEU(Twenty Equivalent Unit),占全国内河集装箱运量的50%以上。2006年珠江水运完成的货运量和货物周转量,在珠江流域综合交通运输中所占份额分别是11 %和7.7 %。通过珠江水系进入香港的内河船舶超过12万艘次,内河运往香港的集装箱量约占香港集装箱总吞吐量的14%。将GPS技术应用于水运导航,其不仅仅在很大程度上保证了船舶的安全,而且能精确定位船舶位置以保持其航线,具有重要的意义。
在内河中,应用GPS的授时功能,在河道中能实现实现亮/灭同步的航标灯,该航标灯具有排除夜间其他灯光干扰的能力为船舶驾驶人员明确的指明了航向,确保了船只夜行的安全,大大的减少了水运事故,有效地提高了水上交通的安全性。亮/灭同步航标灯很直观地给船舶驾驶人员提供了一条航行通道,使船舶安全运行。另外,GPS的授时功能在航标灯中的应用,为今后航标的遥控、遥测提出了新要求。在航标灯器中充分发挥GPS的位置检测及授时功能,对实现航标灯的多种功能有很大的现实意义。珠三角地区经济发达,但资源较匮乏,在水运2.13亿吨货运量中,矿建材料、水泥、煤炭、非金矿、石油等货种占66 %;广东所需煤炭、石油类产品,主要依靠海运运人,并需内河疏运,而2003年内河运输为广州港集疏运货物达4100万吨。目前珠江三角洲航标设施已明显滞后于水运发展的需要, 如现在航标大量使用5米杆形标, 对于江海轮较高的驾驶室就显得航标目标小、亮度低、技术落后,在城市港区夜间识别困难,且杆形标上维护工作平台窄小, 职工上下标维护操作较困难,没有安全感。为保证船舶航行安全和航道工人的安全,对航标设施进行更新换代,提高航标设施的科技水平已迫在眉睫。珠江三角洲的航道系统经过多次航标改革,为航行船舶的安全畅通和航道事业的发展发挥了重要作用。相信随着GPS技术应用研究的逐步深入,其在水运导航中的应用也会更加广泛和深入,并发挥更大的作用。
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2010-12-26 · 超过26用户采纳过TA的回答
Waterway transport were not constitute or less covers, transportation cost low, transport capacity big, energy consumption, less pollution small and the port the comprehensive function strong six special technological economic characteristic; Water transportation with its participation in the division of comprehensive transport network, has broad prospects for development and important strategic position.
During the tenth five-year plan 15550 kilometers navigable mileage pearl river water, accounts for the navigation total mileage 10, a total of 118 new public pier berth, with new 1718 tons throughput capacity. Tenth-five period pearl river system, fast development, the volume of freight turnover, container freight volume average growth respectively to 4.9 %, 13.2 % and 15.8 percent, inland port throughput annual growth 134 %. The biggest advantage of pearl river is mainly high-value goods more, 2006, the whole pearl river water volume 2.79 million tons, reached the second in the country, Container freight volume reaches 660 million teus (Twenty Equivalent Unit), accounting for the inland water container freight volume of more than 50 percent. In 2006 the pearl river waterway completed freight volume and freight turnover in pearl river basin comprehensive transportation slice of respectively is 11 % and 7.7 %. Through the pearl river water into Hong Kong inland river ships over 12 million SouCi, inland to Hong Kong's container quantity accounted for about 14 percent of the total throughput of container of Hong Kong. GPS technology applied to water transportation navigation, its not only in the very great degree guarantee the safety of the ship, but also can accurately the position to keep the routes, has the vital significance.
In a river, using GPS of shoushi function, in the river which performs the realization bright/destroy synchronization wonder of the world, this will eliminate the night light interference ability for other ship's officers clearly indicated the heading, ensure the safety of ship nocturnal, greatly reduce the water transportation accident, effectively improve the water traffic safety. Bright/destroy synchronous wonder of the world is straightforward to ship's officers provides a navigation channel, make the ship safety operation. In addition, GPS shoushi function in wonder of the world, the application of the remote control, telemetry future beacons put forward new requirements. The wonder of the world is fully exert the GPS detection and shoushi function and to realize the wonder of the world has a great variety of functional practical significance. The pearl river delta region economy developed, but the resources is scarce, the water transportation 2.13 million tons of freight, construction of the mine material, cement, coal, the gold mine, petroleum and other accounts for 66 percent increase, Guangdong required coal, petroleum products, mainly rely on maritime transport, and need to inland, and 2003 ShuYun inland river transportation for guangzhou port transportation of goods of 41 million tons. At present the pearl river delta beacons facilities has obviously lagging water transportation development needs, such as now beacons extensive use of 5 meters stem shape standard for jianghai wheel higher cab appear beacons target small, brightness, low backward in technology, in urban port night identification difficulty, and stem form marked maintenance work platform is narrow small, worker on subscript maintenance operation more difficult, insecure. To ensure the navigation safety and waterway worker safety of navigation facilities for renewal and improve technology level of navigation facilities is imminent. The pearl river delta channel system after many beacons reforms, for the safety of the ship sailing connection and the development of the cause of waterway has played an important role. Believe that with GPS technology applied research deepens, its application in water transportation navigation will more widely and deeply, and play a bigger role.
Application analysis
Waterway transport were not constitute or less covers, transportation cost low, transport capacity big, energy consumption, less pollution small and the port the comprehensive function strong six special technological economic characteristic; Water transportation with its participation in the division of comprehensive transport network, has broad prospects for development and important strategic position。
During the tenth five-year plan 15550 kilometers navigable mileage pearl river water, accounts for the navigation total mileage 10, a total of 118 new public pier berth, with new 1718 tons throughput capacity. Tenth-five period pearl river system, fast development, the volume of freight turnover, container freight volume average growth respectively to 4.9 %, 13.2 % and 15.8 percent, inland port throughput annual growth 134 %. The biggest advantage of pearl river is mainly high-value goods more, 2006, the whole pearl river water volume 2.79 million tons, reached the second in the country, Container freight volume reaches 660 million teus (Twenty Equivalent Unit), accounting for the inland water container freight volume of more than 50 percent. In 2006 the pearl river waterway completed freight volume and freight turnover in pearl river basin comprehensive transportation slice of respectively is 11 % and 7.7 %. Through the pearl river water into Hong Kong inland river ships over 12 million SouCi, inland to Hong Kong's container quantity accounted for about 14 percent of the total throughput of container of Hong Kong. GPS technology applied to water transportation navigation, its not only in the very great degree guarantee the safety of the ship, but also can accurately the position to keep the routes, has the vital significance.
In a river, using GPS of shoushi function, in the river which performs the realization bright/destroy synchronization wonder of the world, this will eliminate the night light interference ability for other ship's officers clearly indicated the heading, ensure the safety of ship nocturnal, greatly reduce the water transportation accident, effectively improve the water traffic safety. Bright/destroy synchronous wonder of the world is straightforward to ship's officers provides a navigation channel, make the ship safety operation. In addition, GPS shoushi function in wonder of the world, the application of the remote control, telemetry future beacons put forward new requirements. The wonder of the world is fully exert the GPS detection and shoushi function and to realize the wonder of the world has a great variety of functional practical significance. The pearl river delta region economy developed, but the resources is scarce, the water transportation 2.13 million tons of freight, construction of the mine material, cement, coal, the gold mine, petroleum and other accounts for 66 percent increase, Guangdong required coal, petroleum products, mainly rely on maritime transport, and need to inland, and 2003 ShuYun inland river transportation for guangzhou port transportation of goods of 41 million tons. At present the pearl river delta beacons facilities has obviously lagging water transportation development needs, such as now beacons extensive use of 5 meters stem shape standard for jianghai wheel higher cab appear beacons target small, brightness, low backward in technology, in urban port night identification difficulty, and stem form marked maintenance work platform is narrow small, worker on subscript maintenance operation more difficult, insecure. To ensure the navigation safety and waterway worker safety of navigation facilities for renewal and improve technology level of navigation facilities is imminent. The pearl river delta channel system after many beacons reforms, for the safety of the ship sailing connection and the development of the cause of waterway has played an important role. Believe that with GPS technology applied research deepens, its application in water transportation navigation will more widely and deeply, and play a bigger role.
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