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2011-01-11 · 超过16用户采纳过TA的回答
not all friendships are good but long, so some experience, so a story to a friend ... ... hope that'll make every \

A and B could have been in school the envy of most other students a pair of good friends, especially in class, they are inseparable every day, even eating, sleeping, doing laundry, and so do everything together . They determined at that time must be done after a lifetime of friends, regardless of work or study! Not only that, because of their academic performance is one of the highest class, and teachers for various subjects, especially the likes of them ... ... So, when they Hou, very happy, very happy! However, some of them controversial in some things, inevitably students each other's air, so, on several occasions they have ignored each other, in fact, they are clearly psychological, clearly better than anyone, they are the character is strong and man of honor there will not be a party to the initiative and good, but the first time and the good are B's, she said she not used to eating one every day ... ... Once, B paid a boyfriend, one of the same year still too long to go boys, this time, B also advised A cross-boyfriend, but A has not, she did not learn anything that is important! After graduation, she did not pay her boyfriend. B Ever since her \ time to run fast!
Suddenly they graduated! But they, or a share of a place, which was their friendship that continues! When the A in that for 4 months to quit to go to Beijing, because her mother has been the place to go to her mother who does not want her a job in that city, and then she went to Beijing, staying her uncle in the home, however, the day before she walked, B suddenly said: \A simple phrase, which makes all the unhappy past then disappear! B to A phone call later, said she also wanted her there, ask her to help her find a house and pay attention to the right job. A agreed, she was pleased to think of a friend here,ladies plus clothing, she was too excited to even sleep are laughing!
I did not expect that, in the A to find a house and paid a deposit of 300 yuan, she delighted to call B, B said that she could not come, because ... ... A year-end awards to bring it to hear later, very angry! And she has said, but if she came clean, she gave the house to pay a deposit of 300 yuan Take it back, can B determined that she did not come this way, the 300 wasted, she is really sad, not because of money , but because she has been lying to her, arguing that a certain B over time, also said she had decided on, when she is so firmly and decisively ... ... but these words are meaningless, and are nothing but false! Since then, B feel very unworthy of A, to A phone call every day to explain, A did not believe her, at least the integrity of a company who can not abide, it is not worth mention ... ... she did not pick her up in the call any one of the phone! Of these, there is one of the most angry is worth A: B told her that those words were said that the gas is entirely their own, then put in the work too much wronged and angry words to say, A shock the ... ...!
3 months later, A's work has better results than ever before, wages also rose, she moved out from the uncle that he rented a house, though simple, but still quiet! At this time, only to call B and tell her to ask her to forgive yourself for sure, A eventually forgive her, because it has almost forgotten the past few months to do! Having seen a lot! B finally proposed to come to work here, A has agreed, she said, Come on over to my first live, or because the line with us and rent! A few days later, B resigned and bought a ticket to Beijing, the time to tell the A, A, when going to meet her! On the third day arrived, but not to B, A on the strange, the way is not what happened! She was worried a few days, and during this period, A whole day to call B, to B just do not answer the phone, or is shut down, A to, how else ah, are a week later, still no news, you do not Alarm ah! She thought to myself with! Before her call to another to ask a few students have said they do not know the situation, in the afternoon of Day 6, A B is still dial the number, pass, can be A or not connected, do not take forever! Why is that? She can not figure out! 7 days, the students called to tell her W, B has to Shandong, A dawned! She, after all, bad faith, according to W, said, B is the time to buy tickets in Shandong ... ...
Of the story we should be able to guess or two, and friendship is built upon the integrity of both sides, if one side of this road to break the invisible wall,ladies long jackets, friendship and ultimately very difficult to go ... ...!
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