院长代表学院做了讲话Dean made a speech on behalf of School of
我想请你们周末去听一场演唱会I would like to invite you to listen to a concert over the weekend
他病了一个星期,在那个星期,他几乎没吃东西He was sick for a week in that week, he was almost without food
圣诞节期间商店里的东西要便宜一些Christmas stuff in stores to be cheaper
你愿意留言吗?You are willing to leave a message?
这是一列开往南京的快车This is an express train bound for Nanjing
你今天有空吗?我妈去购物吧!Today you free? My mom go shopping bar!
这个国家所有的大学都教英语The State-owned universities to teach English
我哥哥想跟你学物理My brother would like you to learn physics
这个年轻人又高又壮,他肯定是个运动员This young man was tall and strong, he must be a player
我想请你们周末去听一场演唱会I would like to invite you to listen to a concert over the weekend
他病了一个星期,在那个星期,他几乎没吃东西He was sick for a week in that week, he was almost without food
圣诞节期间商店里的东西要便宜一些Christmas stuff in stores to be cheaper
你愿意留言吗?You are willing to leave a message?
这是一列开往南京的快车This is an express train bound for Nanjing
你今天有空吗?我妈去购物吧!Today you free? My mom go shopping bar!
这个国家所有的大学都教英语The State-owned universities to teach English
我哥哥想跟你学物理My brother would like you to learn physics
这个年轻人又高又壮,他肯定是个运动员This young man was tall and strong, he must be a player