你们要前往没有引渡条约的国家,你们再也不能踏上故乡的土地。事成之后你们将会得到100万! 展开
你们要前往没有引渡条约的国家,你们再也不能踏上故乡的土地。事成之后你们将会得到100万! 展开
Stand easy,men. (各位请稍息)
Make no mistake about it,gentlemen.We are now in harm's way. (别怀疑,我门正身处险境)
For Major Baxter and I,this is the last campaign in a career dating back to Tet'68. Likewise for Captain Hendrix and Gunnery Sergeant Crisp,who cut their teeth under my command in Desert Storm. (我和巴少校在越战时就是同胞了,同样,韩上尉和柯中士,曾和我在波斯湾战争中并肩作战)
Captain Frye,Captain Darrow,this is my first operational situation with you,and I have to say thus far your conduct reflects your reputations. (费上尉和戴上尉,则是首次和你门共事,你们的表现的确名不虚传)
(-Thank you,General.)
(-Thank you ,sir.) (谢谢你。将军)
We have achieved our position through poise,precision and audacity.
To this we must now addd resolve.
we'll be branded as traitors,the gravest capitol crime.
Punishable by death. (现在更要充满决心,我们会被视为叛国者,叛国是重罪,最高可被叛处死刑)
Couple hundred years ago,a few guys named Washington,Jefferson and Adams were branded as traitors by the British.
And now they're called patriots. (数百年前,华盛顿,杰弗逊等建国者,也被英国视为叛国者,现在他们却被视为爱国者。历史将还我们清白)
In time,so shall we.
God willing,in less than 48 hours,we will evacuate this islang in gunships under cover of hostages and V.X.gas warheads.
Your destination;a nonextradition-treaty country.
You will each be paid a fee of $1 million for services rendered.
But you can never again set foot on your native soil.
Can you live with that? (如果情况允许,我门将在48小时内撤离,你们的目的地是没有引渡条约的国家,你们每人将获得100w美金的酬金,但你门将永远不能重返祖国,你们能接受吗?)
(-[All]Yes,sir! )
The men of Marine Force Recon are selected to carry out illegal operations throughout the world. (海军陆站队侦搜大队,在世界各地执行非法任务)
When they don't come home,their families are told fairy tales about what happened to them and denied compensation. (当他们战死沙场,家人所得到的只有谎言,没有任何补偿)
Well,I have choked on these lies my entire career.
Well,here and now the lies stop!
God be with all of you.Man your positions,men.(这些谎言我已经忍受了一辈子,现在停止这些谎言了,上帝保佑你们,各就各位)
Make no mistake about it,gentlemen.We are now in harm's way. (别怀疑,我门正身处险境)
For Major Baxter and I,this is the last campaign in a career dating back to Tet'68. Likewise for Captain Hendrix and Gunnery Sergeant Crisp,who cut their teeth under my command in Desert Storm. (我和巴少校在越战时就是同胞了,同样,韩上尉和柯中士,曾和我在波斯湾战争中并肩作战)
Captain Frye,Captain Darrow,this is my first operational situation with you,and I have to say thus far your conduct reflects your reputations. (费上尉和戴上尉,则是首次和你门共事,你们的表现的确名不虚传)
(-Thank you,General.)
(-Thank you ,sir.) (谢谢你。将军)
We have achieved our position through poise,precision and audacity.
To this we must now addd resolve.
we'll be branded as traitors,the gravest capitol crime.
Punishable by death. (现在更要充满决心,我们会被视为叛国者,叛国是重罪,最高可被叛处死刑)
Couple hundred years ago,a few guys named Washington,Jefferson and Adams were branded as traitors by the British.
And now they're called patriots. (数百年前,华盛顿,杰弗逊等建国者,也被英国视为叛国者,现在他们却被视为爱国者。历史将还我们清白)
In time,so shall we.
God willing,in less than 48 hours,we will evacuate this islang in gunships under cover of hostages and V.X.gas warheads.
Your destination;a nonextradition-treaty country.
You will each be paid a fee of $1 million for services rendered.
But you can never again set foot on your native soil.
Can you live with that? (如果情况允许,我门将在48小时内撤离,你们的目的地是没有引渡条约的国家,你们每人将获得100w美金的酬金,但你门将永远不能重返祖国,你们能接受吗?)
(-[All]Yes,sir! )
The men of Marine Force Recon are selected to carry out illegal operations throughout the world. (海军陆站队侦搜大队,在世界各地执行非法任务)
When they don't come home,their families are told fairy tales about what happened to them and denied compensation. (当他们战死沙场,家人所得到的只有谎言,没有任何补偿)
Well,I have choked on these lies my entire career.
Well,here and now the lies stop!
God be with all of you.Man your positions,men.(这些谎言我已经忍受了一辈子,现在停止这些谎言了,上帝保佑你们,各就各位)