
最新版,主编:何莲珍,石坚。请发邮箱:dhchern@sina.com。急要。谢谢。... 最新版,主编:何莲珍,石坚。请发邮箱:dhchern@sina.com。急要。谢谢。 展开
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Unit 1
1. Vocabulary
(1) d (2) g (3) k (4) i (5) b (6) m (7) c (8) f (9) n (10) a
2. Cloze
(1)and (2)understand (3)about (4)sides (5)what (6)bad (7)nor (8)properly
(9)destroy (10)says (11)which (12)stronger (13)behind (14)up (15)While (16)
unique (17)dark (18)benefits (19)from (20)rule
3. Translation
A. English to Chinese
由于殖民地与许多海外地区的大量贸易,所有欧洲的重要商业国及其在西半球的附属国的金银铸币在北美东海岸都可以自由交易。由于法律不允许英国货币从英国流向殖民地,相比之下,西班牙货币显得更加重要。这些货币在墨西哥城几利马铸造,再流入西班牙殖民地。西班牙币在殖民地被普遍使用,以至这种货币最终成为美国的货币单位。虽然早在1652 年马萨诸塞首先铸造低含金量的硬币,但殖民地最后转而用纸币来提高短缺且不可靠的货币供给。著名人士的期票与签发给英国商人的汇票在几个月内就能顺利转手。此外,各殖民地的财政部门开始在税收前签发期票,同时向城镇官员下达书面命令,要求当地店铺履行付款义务,如其他可转让的单据一样,这些票据经签注后可作为货币进行交换。
B. Chinese to English
(1)With China’s successful entry into the WTO, state-owned banks are faced with more and more pressure. The big bank intends to merge with two small banks so as to quickly solve the problem of capital sufficiency and enlarge its scale.
(2)Because of the recessionary effect on global economy and inflation, many small businesses in this city have gone bankrupt or have been swallowed up by giant corporations. It leads to a large number of workers facing unemployment.
(3)He didn’t marry her, because he thought that although sympathy was closely akin to love, they were still different. What he hoped was marry for love, not for sympathy
(4)Web-based training and learning seems to be a perfect way to reach a huge pool of potential students, as well as curtail the high infrastructure and personnel costs of traditional schooling.
(5)With the development of this towns’ economy, local government intends to tailor a first-class nursing home for the needs of the elderly.
(6)The deregulation of financial markets taken by government is very helpful to economical globalization, but, at the same time, it brings some unpleasant influences on domestic economy.
(7)I wish my younger brother would desist from playing network games all day, otherwise he would have to discontinue his studies.
(8)One shop began to prolong the business hours, and all other shops along the same street followed suit.
(9)Following the dramatic currency depreciations in many East Asian economies in 1997, these countries suffered sharp and lingering recessions. This outcome runs counter to the notion that depreciations ought to boost output because they make domestically produced goods cheaper.

Unit 2
1. Vocabulary
(1)splashed (2)comply (3)offset (4)concessions (5)pledged
(6)prohibitive (7)Astoundingly (8)undermined(9)deluded (10)tumbled
2. Cloze
(1)committing (2)combat (3)issued (4)reduce (5)withdrawal (6)ratified (7)accounted
(8)emissions(9)participation (10)implemented (11)reached (12)proceed (13)secure (14)
concessions (15)original (16)option(17)pressure(18)unanimous (19)revised (20)greenhouse
3. Translation
A. English to Chinese
(1)并非所有的地区都会经历气候变暖的情况。有些地区会变得更热更干燥,而另外一些地区则会遭遇较冷的天气。全球变暖产生的预期结果包括极地冰盖融化,海洋沿线地区被淹,剧烈的暴风雨,降雨模式的改变,以及现有生态平衡的广泛变化等等。根据现有的模式,估计下个世纪全球海平面将上升15~95 厘米。这足以将全球l/3 人口的家园淹没。由于像蚊子这类传播疾病的昆虫的栖息地的扩大,传染性疾病的数目也将日益上升。许多物种也许无法适应如此剧烈的气候变化而最终灭绝。
B. Chinese to English
(1)As to the climate crisis, we are better off with a clean slate than a weak proposal. Because once the proposal is made, politicians will close the climate chapter for some time.
(2)She’s cottoned on that her constant stomachache was caused by the bacon on offer last week at the local market.
(3)That superstar descended on a small costal town, which was splashed across the front page of the local newspaper.
(4)It seemed frustrating that his last-ditch effort to win a place in his business world collapsed. But it was also for the best. From the long term, he could learn a lot.
(5)Parents lavish their love and care on their children. However, when they become old, some of them are condemned to live alone.
(6)The present political leaders of our country, in line with their predecessors, were wedded to the belief that we should not retreat in the action against corruption.
(7)The school dropouts in poverty-stricken areas came back to school by courtesy of the subsidies from government and donations from the kind people.
(8)Under the effective organization of the local government, the damage caused by the flood has been watered down to the minimum.
(9)Superpower forge ahead in economic development, leaving other countries far behind. But it doesn’t necessarily follow that they can determine everything.

Unit 3
1. Vocabulary
(1)parade (2)scourge (3)surveillance (4)virulent
(5)harbored (6)disrupting (7)bombarded (8)contracted
2. Cloze
(1)account (2)including (3)deaths (4)burden (5)reflects (6)result (7) increasing
(8)approach (9)under (10)strategy (11)extensive (12)presented (13)goal (14)improve
(15)through (16)synthesize (17)between (18)for (19)agree (20)framework
3. Translation
A. English to Chinese
据美国国家过敏和传染病中心(NIAID)的研究人员说,往猴子的鼻子里喷一次测试疫苗猴子就可以免得非典。同时一些荷兰的科学家已经成功地利用人类抗体使白鼬免于病毒的侵袭。由亚历山大•博克乐耶夫领导的NIAID 科研小组把引起非典的主要蛋自的基因(SARS-S)注入一种削弱的人类流感病毒,并用这样培养出来的试验疫苗治疗4 只猴子。另外的4 只猴子接受了安慰性疫苗。在这所有的8 只猴子中,药物都直接喷入了它们的鼻腔。
B. Chinese to English
(1)Though difficulties kept on cropping up in his work, he still succeeded in finding this new element after solving all the problems.
(2)The train was moving at such a good clip that one day’s travel brought him from the northern part of the country covered with white snow to the south with scorching sun.
(3)During her first voyage to the sea, the breakdown of the ship’s engine left her at the mercy of the rough sea.
(4)While seeking after their own profits, some companies ignore the farmers’ interest. Recently, the government has been bombarded with the complaints about delayed payments.
(5)With the bird flu emerging in some Asian countries, our government has placed the imported food under close surveillance.
(6)While economic globalization has brought absolute opportunities to some Chinese, the challenges it causes to others are also unmistakable.
(7)To our relief, the vote in this assembly stopped certain countries from containing China.
(8)With some people, the old saying “One’s character in three years old seals his fate.” is true, but there are many people with different experiences.

Unit 4
1. Vocabulary
(1)intact (2)humiliated (3)assert (4)subdue (5)repelled
(6)decrepit (7)antagonistic (8)undermine (9)appendix (10)stereotype
2. Cloze
(1)variety (2)legal (3)independence (4)dependent (5)into (6)lesser (7)Moreover
(8)divorce(9)themselves (10)about (11)remains (12)survey (13)important
(14)outdated (15)over (16)more(17)point(18)while (19)proportion (20)declined
3. Translation
A. English to Chinese
B. Chinese to English
(1)Pearl Sydenstricker Buck was born in a missionary family. She lived in China for seventeen years,and was saturated in Chinese culture.
(2)How can you justify your rude behavior to your parents who love you so much?
(3)He has grown up and has outgrown the bad habits of smoking and drinking in adolescence.
(4)We hold this to be self-evident that no state is in the position to interfere with the domestic affairs of other nations. This is especially true of great powers.
(5)Before they came down in the world, they couldn’t imagine that they would content themselves with the simple life: a small room, dry bread and plain boiled water.
(6)Though he boasted he would never be taken alive, the outlaw submitted to the police without a struggle when surrounded.
(7)In order to have her higher education, she has to contend fiercely with her father who believes that women are doomed to spending their life at the kitchen sink.
(8)It is feminism that the single mother has instilled in her daughter.

Unit 5
1. Vocabulary
(1)meticulous (2)facilitators (3)incentive (4)accommodate
(5)agile (6)downsized (7)relevant (8)foster
2. Cloze
(1)not (2)between (3)ecological (4)such (5)as (6)then (7)that (8)contribute
(9)form (10)groups (11)participating (12)comprise (13)which (14)from
(15)linked (16)may (17) with (18)content (19)Once (20)and
3. Translation
A. English to Chinese
B. Chinese to English
(1)According to my friend’s suggestion, this room was converted from a single bedroom to a bathroom.
(2)People always connect Xi’an with the Big Goose Pagoda and Terracotta Warriors and Horses.
(3)College students must have access to a good library, through which their knowledge and experience can be broadened.
(4)The dam was not strong enough to hold back the flood waters, so that the river had burst its banks and folded the houses by the river.
(5)Her success was largely due to her efforts. Also her parents’ words were a great encouragement to her.
(6)Through participating in the process of planning our field trip, my group members and I had to identify out intended learning goals for the students.
(7)I did in the spirit of revenge by sending an e-mail to everyone in the office which began as follow: “We regret to inform you that you have missed this opportunity, …”
(8)Even though this IC(integrated circuit)is supposed to work as a latch circuit, it can also be made to function as RS(recommended standard) flip-flop.
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