Do you know that it is possible to eat large amounts of food and still starve? You may be eating a good mixture of different kinds of foods furnishing all the calories you need; yet lacking certain necessary substances. About fifty years ago scientists began to realize that foods contain tiny amounts of other things that the they needs for good health.
The antiberiberi substance at first was called an accessory food factor. Experiments soon revealed still another such factor. The new substance cured sore eyes and promoted growth. It appeared in the fat of eggs, butter, and cod--liver oil rather than in the coats of rice grains.
Later scientists called these substances vitamins and named them by the letters of the alphabet.
In the early days of the clipper ships, sailors who went on long voyages would often get a dangerous disease called scurvy. Just 200 years ago, a doctor in the British navy found that eating fresh fruits and vegetables would cure this disease. It was the first time people recognized that a definite sickness could result when something was missing from the diet.
Nowadays this scurvy-preventing material is called vitamin C, and it can be manufactured in large quantities and add to other foods. oranges, lemons, cabbage, turnips and tomatoes are some natura1 foods containing 1arge amounts of vitamin C; Like all vitamins, it cannot be stored very long in the body but must be replaced all the time. Now you can see one reason why a glass of orange juice or a half grapefruit is part of a good breakfast.
A similar experiment in the Japanese navy a century later involved beriberi. In one of the languages of Ceylon1 beriberi means weakness. This disease causes the nerves to become inflamed and to degenerate. It is widespread in rice--eating countries of the Orient2. It is sometimes a cause of heart failure.
The vitamin for curing beriberi is cal1ed thiamin or vitamin B1. It takes nearly a hundred tons of rice husks to give a single ounce of vitamin B13. Fortunately, we need only very tiny amounts of each of the vitamins daily-1ess than one ten--thousandth of an ounce. If you eat enough cereals, peas, beans, eggs and tomatoes, you get a good supply of vitamin Bl. This keeps your nerves in good condition and helps appetite and digestion. 展开
The antiberiberi substance at first was called an accessory food factor. Experiments soon revealed still another such factor. The new substance cured sore eyes and promoted growth. It appeared in the fat of eggs, butter, and cod--liver oil rather than in the coats of rice grains.
Later scientists called these substances vitamins and named them by the letters of the alphabet.
In the early days of the clipper ships, sailors who went on long voyages would often get a dangerous disease called scurvy. Just 200 years ago, a doctor in the British navy found that eating fresh fruits and vegetables would cure this disease. It was the first time people recognized that a definite sickness could result when something was missing from the diet.
Nowadays this scurvy-preventing material is called vitamin C, and it can be manufactured in large quantities and add to other foods. oranges, lemons, cabbage, turnips and tomatoes are some natura1 foods containing 1arge amounts of vitamin C; Like all vitamins, it cannot be stored very long in the body but must be replaced all the time. Now you can see one reason why a glass of orange juice or a half grapefruit is part of a good breakfast.
A similar experiment in the Japanese navy a century later involved beriberi. In one of the languages of Ceylon1 beriberi means weakness. This disease causes the nerves to become inflamed and to degenerate. It is widespread in rice--eating countries of the Orient2. It is sometimes a cause of heart failure.
The vitamin for curing beriberi is cal1ed thiamin or vitamin B1. It takes nearly a hundred tons of rice husks to give a single ounce of vitamin B13. Fortunately, we need only very tiny amounts of each of the vitamins daily-1ess than one ten--thousandth of an ounce. If you eat enough cereals, peas, beans, eggs and tomatoes, you get a good supply of vitamin Bl. This keeps your nerves in good condition and helps appetite and digestion. 展开