科学家最近通过对在格陵兰岛和南极大陆地下3000米深处采集到的冰芯研究发现,全球升温早在工业革命前就已经开始。 展开
科学家最近通过对在格陵兰岛和南极大陆地下3000米深处采集到的冰芯研究发现,全球升温早在工业革命前就已经开始。 展开
The greenhouse gases caused by human's activities would have any impact on the global climate, on the contrary, the main reason for the current global warming is due to increased solar activity caused by the intensity. In the past century, the solar radiation has been showing a sharp rise in an unprecedented situation. Intense solar radiation increased sea surface temperature, and generated a lot of carbon dioxide greenhouse gases. And Compared to the total amount of greenhouse gases over the ocean surface, the number of greenhouse gases caused by human activities is negligible, therefore, in the usual sense of human industrial activity and global warming relations between the causal can not be established.
After scientists studied the ice core collected from the Greenland and Antarctica in the 3000 meters , they found that global warming has already begun as early as the Industrial Revolution.
After scientists studied the ice core collected from the Greenland and Antarctica in the 3000 meters , they found that global warming has already begun as early as the Industrial Revolution.
Our human's activity which causes the greenhouse effect has nothing to do with the change in climate of the globe. The main cause of the present global warming is from the increase of solar temperature. In the past century, the radiation of the sun has increased tremendously. The strong radiation of sun lights increase the oceanic temperature, in which it emits lots of carbon dioxide - the greenhouse gas, hence as compare with the greenhouse gases from the human with the oceanic greenhouse gases, the former is insignificant. As such, there is no correlation between the industrial activities from the human and the global warming effect.
Our Scientists have discovered that the ice-core deep below 3000 meters from Greenland and Antarctic which shows that the global warming effect starts way before industrialisation.
Our Scientists have discovered that the ice-core deep below 3000 meters from Greenland and Antarctic which shows that the global warming effect starts way before industrialisation.
Greenhouse gas producted by mankind's activities can nearly have an effect on global weather. Moreover, the reason of former global warming is the increase of solar activity. During the past one century, solar radiation has been unprecedented increased. Strong solar radiation leads to the temperature of ocean surface arising and producting lots of greenhouse gas like CO2. Compared with the amout of greenhouse gas on the ocean surface, greenhouse gas producted by mankind's activities is negligible. Therefore, the inevitable relationship between mankind's industrial activities and global greenhouse doesn't hold each other.
Recently scientists through ice core reseach of Greenland and underground 3000 metres of South Pole Continent discover that global warming has begun since Industrial Revolution.
Recently scientists through ice core reseach of Greenland and underground 3000 metres of South Pole Continent discover that global warming has begun since Industrial Revolution.