一个字母几首经典英文歌 都是我自己找的哦 巨好听!~ 每个分号将两首歌分开哦 A--A place nearby;A thousand miles;All about us;All the things she said;All rise;As long as you love me;Another day;Again and again B--B what U wanna B(又名Peerless);Because of you;Behind these hazel eyes;Boyfriend;Break you;Breaking free;Burning;Breathless;Beep;Breakaway;Better man C--Can you see me now;Can't help falling in love;Craigie hill;Cry on my shoulder;Crush;Christmas in my heart;Can't get over you D--Dream on E--Ein Kleines lied;Everything but the girl F--Far away from home;Firefly;From Sarah with love;Five days;Friend or foe;Forever;Fighter;Floor filler;Forever friends G--God is a girl;Gomenasai;Golden sky;Gloomy Sunday H--Headstrong;How about you;Helpless when she smiles;Home;How soon is now?Homeless I--I lay my love on you;If you come to me;In the morning;It's ok;I want it that way;I'm already there;Inconsolable;I do;I kissed a girl J--Just one last dance;Journey;Je t'aime L--Larger than life;Let me show you the way;Lonely;Long way to go;Long long way to go;Love is color blind;Loves me not;Loving you;Little June;Laura;Love story M--Malchik gay;My heart will go on;My love;My humps;Moonlight shadow N--Never be the same again;Never had a dream come true;No promises;Not gonna get us;Nothing in the world;Numb;Never again;Never underestimate a girl;Never ever stop O--One for da money;Over the Rainbow;Only love;On the raido P--Promises don't come easy;Pictures in my head;Perfect enermy;Poison;Perfect R--Raincoat;Ready for love;Remember S--Sacrifice;Sail the ocean;Say it isn't so;Seasons in the sun;Should it matter;Something right;Stand;Show me love;Step up;Stronger woman;Soledad T--Timeless;Take me to your heart;The call;The magic key;There you'll be;Tomorrow;Tight,I feel close to you;Truly,madly,deeply;The end;The easy way;The rose U--Unchaired molody;Upside down;Us against the world;U don't hear me;Under a violet moon V--Valder fields W--We are one;Wait for you;When Christmas comes to town;When there was me and you;Whiskey lullaby;Wild dance;With an Ochid;We shout;White Robe;What ya! 数字开头: 7--7 days;7 years&50 days 3--30 minutes 啊.啊..累死我了!终于打完了 一定要把这些歌听一听 不然会遗憾的~