中:他那不很浓的眉毛,陪着一双虎虎有生气的眼睛,线条好看略为上翘的小鼻子下面,有一个总是含着一线讥笑的元宝嘴,这一切无不透露出他调皮、机灵、直爽的秉性。 英:He that is not very thick eyebrows, with a tiger angry eyes, below the line look slightly upturned little nose, there is a always ridiculed the wing of the mouth with a line, it can reveal his naughty, clever, outgoing disposition. 中:她那张瓜子脸上,有一双如紫葡萄的大眼睛,很怪的是右眼珠上一颗黑黑的痣,有人认为这很可笑,可我觉得这是她知识的凝聚。她高翘的鼻子下有一张小巧的嘴巴,一天到晚不歇气的说话,有着男孩子般大大咧咧的性格。 英:Her melon seed face, a pair of purple grapes as big eyes, very strange is a black mole on the right eyes, some people think that this is ridiculous, but I think it was her knowledge of cohesion. Her high become warped nose has a small mouth, day and night not XieQi talk. She has a boy like a woman.she's character