各位大哥大姐!急求英语作文!急急急!!!!下面有具体要求啊!帮帮 忙啊!先谢谢了 啊!
要求:阳光服装有限公司(Sunshine Clothing Co.,Ltd.)定于2009年2月15日上午9:00—11:00在会议室103举行高层会议,专门讨论研究:1.如何满足消费者的需求和扩大公司利润。2.新产品设计方案。3.新产品定价问题。4.新产品宣传手册定制。
To all boardroom directors of Sunshine Clothing Co. Ltd
Date: February 1, 2009
Our company will hold a high level meeting on February 15, 2009 from 9:00am — 11:00am and the venue will be conference room 103. The meeting agenda will be as follow:
1 How to satisfy customers' need and improve the company's profits.
2 New products design plan.
3 New products pricing discussion .
4 To customize new products promotion brochure.
Please attend accordingly.
这应该是给公司董事的会议通知信,已替你写好了,署名通常也应该是公司的主席(Chairman of the company)。
Date: February 1, 2009
Our company will hold a high level meeting on February 15, 2009 from 9:00am — 11:00am and the venue will be conference room 103. The meeting agenda will be as follow:
1 How to satisfy customers' need and improve the company's profits.
2 New products design plan.
3 New products pricing discussion .
4 To customize new products promotion brochure.
Please attend accordingly.
这应该是给公司董事的会议通知信,已替你写好了,署名通常也应该是公司的主席(Chairman of the company)。