Private Sub Command5_Click()
Show Cls Dim m, n, i As Integer Picture1.Scale (100, 0)-(50, 35) '定义坐标系 Picture1.Line (0, 0)-(100, 0) '画X轴 Picture1.Line (0, 0)-(0, 35) '画Y轴 For m = 0 To 100 Step 5 '画X轴刻度 If m <> 0 Then Picture1.Line (m, 0)-(m, 0.3) Picture1.CurrentX = m - 2.5: Picture1.CurrentY = -0.5 Picture1.Print m End If Next m For n = 0 To 35 Step 1 '画Y轴刻度 If n <> 0 Then Picture1.Line (0, n)-(0.3, n) Picture1.CurrentX = -6: Picture1.CurrentY = n - 0.4 Picture1.Print n End If Next n Picture1.CurrentX = 2 Picture1.CurrentY = 0.2 Picture1.Print "0" Picture1.CurrentX = 105 Picture1.CurrentY = 0.2 Picture1.Print "X" Picture1.CurrentX = 3: Picture1.CurrentY = 11.5 Picture1.Print "Y" Dim a(29) As Variant, b(29) As Variant Dim j As Integer With MSFlexGrid1 For j = 1 To 28 a(j) = Val(.TextMatrix(j, 27)) b(j) = Val(.TextMatrix(j, 0)) Next j End With
For i = 0 To 28 Picture1.Line (b(i), a(i))-(b(i + 1), a(i + 1)), vbBlue Next i End Sub 展开
Private Sub Command5_Click()
Show Cls Dim m, n, i As Integer Picture1.Scale (100, 0)-(50, 35) '定义坐标系 Picture1.Line (0, 0)-(100, 0) '画X轴 Picture1.Line (0, 0)-(0, 35) '画Y轴 For m = 0 To 100 Step 5 '画X轴刻度 If m <> 0 Then Picture1.Line (m, 0)-(m, 0.3) Picture1.CurrentX = m - 2.5: Picture1.CurrentY = -0.5 Picture1.Print m End If Next m For n = 0 To 35 Step 1 '画Y轴刻度 If n <> 0 Then Picture1.Line (0, n)-(0.3, n) Picture1.CurrentX = -6: Picture1.CurrentY = n - 0.4 Picture1.Print n End If Next n Picture1.CurrentX = 2 Picture1.CurrentY = 0.2 Picture1.Print "0" Picture1.CurrentX = 105 Picture1.CurrentY = 0.2 Picture1.Print "X" Picture1.CurrentX = 3: Picture1.CurrentY = 11.5 Picture1.Print "Y" Dim a(29) As Variant, b(29) As Variant Dim j As Integer With MSFlexGrid1 For j = 1 To 28 a(j) = Val(.TextMatrix(j, 27)) b(j) = Val(.TextMatrix(j, 0)) Next j End With
For i = 0 To 28 Picture1.Line (b(i), a(i))-(b(i + 1), a(i + 1)), vbBlue Next i End Sub 展开
Picture1.Scale (100, 0)-(0, 35)
Picture1.Scale (110, -3)-(-10, 38)
Picture1.Scale (100, 0)-(0, 35)
Picture1.Scale (110, -3)-(-10, 38)
你读取的数据范围一定要在(100, 0)-(0, 35)这个范围内,否则无法显示。