用vmware workstation7.1.3安装fedora14 出现下面的错误 ,哪位帮忙解决下,不胜感激!
the following error was found while parsing the kickstart configuration file:
the following problem occured on line 65 of the kickstart file:
section does not end with %%end
用虚拟机vmware workstation7.1.3安装Linux系统fedora14 出现错误如下
the following error was found while parsing the kickstart configuration file:
the following problem occured on line 65 of the kickstart file:
section does not end with %%end
请大虾出手帮忙一下 不胜感激 虽然我已装上别的系统 但是还是知道这样的原因 展开
the following problem occured on line 65 of the kickstart file:
section does not end with %%end
用虚拟机vmware workstation7.1.3安装Linux系统fedora14 出现错误如下
the following error was found while parsing the kickstart configuration file:
the following problem occured on line 65 of the kickstart file:
section does not end with %%end
请大虾出手帮忙一下 不胜感激 虽然我已装上别的系统 但是还是知道这样的原因 展开
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