This issue is a result of a scripting issue, which can be viewed by using a custom error message. By default, our Windows hosting servers display a generic error when any .NET application generates an exception. We display a generic error because the detailed error messages allow a malicious user to obtain sensitive information.
To troubleshoot the error, you can modify your web.config file and specify that a custom error message displays. A custom error message helps you to locate the specific code that is causing the issue.
CAUTION: The code samples we provide below do not constitute a complete web.config file. Do not replace your existing web.config file with the code we provide. Before changing your web.config file, we recommend creating a backup.
Displaying Custom Error Messages / Enabling Detailed Errors on IIS 7
Use the sample code below to display custom error messages on IIS 7:
<httpErrors errorMode="Detailed" />
<asp scriptErrorSentToBrowser="true"/>
<customErrors mode="Off"/>
<compilation debug="true"/>
</configuration> 展开
To troubleshoot the error, you can modify your web.config file and specify that a custom error message displays. A custom error message helps you to locate the specific code that is causing the issue.
CAUTION: The code samples we provide below do not constitute a complete web.config file. Do not replace your existing web.config file with the code we provide. Before changing your web.config file, we recommend creating a backup.
Displaying Custom Error Messages / Enabling Detailed Errors on IIS 7
Use the sample code below to display custom error messages on IIS 7:
<httpErrors errorMode="Detailed" />
<asp scriptErrorSentToBrowser="true"/>
<customErrors mode="Off"/>
<compilation debug="true"/>
</configuration> 展开
这个问题是一个脚本问题,可以通过使用自定义错误消息看结果。 默认情况下,我们的Windows托管服务器显示,当任何一个一般性错误。NET应用程序产生一个异常。 我们显示一个通用的错误,因为详细的错误消息允许恶意用户获得敏感信息。 要解决这个错误,你可以修改你的web.config文件,并指定一个自定义错误信息显示。 自定义错误信息可以帮助您找到特定的代码,导致了问题。 注意:代码示例,我们在下面提供不构成一个完整的web.config文件。 不要替换现有的web.config文件与我们提供的代码。 改变你的web.config文件之前,我们建议您创建一个备份。 显示自定义错误消息/启用详细的错误的IIS 7上使用下面的代码示例显示在IIS 7中自定义错误消息中:<configuration> <system.webServer> <httpErrors errorMode="Detailed" /> <ASP的scriptErrorSentToBrowser =“真”/ > </的system.webServer>的<system.web> <customErrors mode="Off"/> <compilation debug="true"/> </的system.web> </配置“>
2024-12-17 广告
2024-12-17 广告
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