2.把一个浮点数以一个十六进制的数如0x1.C0000p+1类似的样子输出一个浮点数,这是C99中才有的功能,strftime()函数将时间格式化,%a 星期几的简写。
3.Signed hexadecimal double precision floating point value having the form [−]0xh.hhhh p±dd, where h.hhhh are the hex digits (using lower case letters) of the mantissa, and dd are one or more digits for the exponent. The precision specifies the number of digits after the point。
4.Signed hexadecimal double precision floating point value having the form [−]0Xh.hhhh P±dd, where h.hhhh are the hex digits (using capital letters) of the mantissa, and dd are one or more digits for the exponent. The precision specifies the number of digits after the point。