
AnoldsoulisthelastthingyouwouldexpecttofindinsideJustinBieber.Butallittakesisoneliste... An old soul is the last thing you would expect to find inside Justin Bieber. But all it takes is one listen to the 15 year-old soul-singing phenomenon to realize that he is light years ahead of his manufactured pop peers. After posting dozens of homemade videos on YouTube in 2007, where the multi-talented Bieber put his impeccable spin on songs from artists like Usher, Ne-Yo and Stevie Wonder, Justin racked up over 10,000,000 views purely from word of mouth. “I started singing about three years ago,” says the Canadian native who grew up an only child in Stratford, Ontario. “I entered a local singing competition called Stratford Idol. The other people in the competition had been taking singing lessons and had vocal coaches. I wasn’t taking it too seriously at the time, I would just sing around the house. I was only 12 and I got second place.”In an effort to share his victory with his loved ones, Justin began posting his performance footage online. “I put my singing videos from the competition on YouTube so that my friends and family could watch them,” he says. “But it turned out that other people liked them and they started subscribing to them. That’s how my manager found me. He saw me on YouTube and contacted my family and now I’m signed!”Seven months after Justin started posting his videos online, former So So Def marketing executive Scooter Braun flew the then 13-year old singer to Atlanta, GA to meet with his elite colleagues. As if Justin’s natural singing talent wasn’t enough to impress Scooter’s inner circle, Braun knew Bieber was also a self-taught musician who plays the drums, guitar, piano and trumpet.“Right when we flew into Atlanta, Scooter drove us to the studio and Usher was there in the parking lot,” remembers Bieber. “That was my first time ever being out of Canada so I went up to him and was like, ‘Hey Usher, I love your songs, do you want me to sing you one?’ He was like, ‘No little buddy, just come inside, it’s cold out.’” All it took was a short time online for Usher to realize he was in the company of a future superstar. “A week later Usher flew me back to Atlanta,” says Bieber. “I sang for him and his people and he really wanted to sign me then and there but I still had a meeting with Justin Timberlake who also wanted to sign me. It turned out Usher’s deal was way better. He had L.A. Reid backing him up and Scooter has alot of connections and is really smart. I always tease Usher now and remind him he how he blew me off the first time we met.”In October of 2008, Justin Bieber officially signed to a joint venture between Usher and Scooter Braun's new label RBMG and Island Records.
I didn’t have as much as other people did. I think it made me stronger as a person it built my character. Now I have a 4.0 grade point average and I want to go to college and just become a better person.” A virtually untapped well of natural artistic talent, Justin Bieber is primed to be a solid force in music for many years to come. “I think older people can appreciate my music because I really show my heart when I sing, and it’s not corny,” he says. “I think I can grow as an artist and my fans will grow with me.” And just think, he’s just getting started.
2011-01-05 · TA获得超过572个赞
你不可能想象在justin beiber 身上有一颗年长的心。 可是只要你听一听这位15岁少年精彩的灵魂演唱, 你会意识到他远远走在那些和他相仿年纪的被包装出来的流行歌手的前面。 2007年Justin在YouTube上发布了几十个自制的剪辑,都是多才多艺的他对Usher, Ne-Yo, Stevie Wonder的歌曲的无暇的重新演绎, 而且仅凭着人们私下相互的推荐就为他攒出了一百多万的点击。这个加拿大人说(他是独生子,在Ontario省Stratford市长大的): "我三年前开始唱歌的。 我参加了一个叫stratford偶像的当地的唱歌选秀。其它参赛选手都上过声乐课有声乐教练。而我那时也没把唱歌太当回事儿,只是在家里随便唱唱。 我只有12岁可我得了亚军." 为了跟他的亲密圈子分享他的胜利, 他开始把他演出的片断贴到网上。 他说, "我把参加比赛的录像贴到网上好让我的朋友和家人都能看到. 可是别的人也喜欢上了而且开始跟踪我的视频。 我的经纪人就是这么发现我的。 他在YOUTUBE上看到我了, 联系上我家人, 然后就跟我签了合同。“ 在他把视频传到网上七个月以后, 前任 So So Def 市场总监Scooter Braun 邀请这个13岁的孩子飞到乔治亚州亚特兰大市去和其它高管们见面。 即使只凭Justin天生的唱歌天赋打动不了Scooter的那个小圈子, Scooter心里有数, Justin还是一个自学成才的鼓, 钢琴, 吉他和小号演奏家。 Bieber回忆起来说 ”我们一飞到亚特兰大, Scooter就把我们带到录音棚, 正好在停车场看到Usher。那是我第一次出加拿大。 我就走上前跟他说: Hi, Usher. 我喜欢你的歌,你听我唱唱怎么样', 他说,小孩儿, 别。进屋吧。 外边儿太冷。” 可后来Usher就在网上看了一会儿, 就意识到他找到了一个未来的巨星。 Bieber说: 一个星期以后, 他们又把我飞到亚特兰大。 我给他和他的团队唱了个, 他们想当场就跟我签下合同。 可是那时Justin Timberland 也想跟我签合同, 我想等到跟那边见完。 结果Usher提的条件要好多了。 他有LA Reid做他的后盾, 而且Scooter 的人脉很广, 人也相当聪明。 我现在经常打趣Usher说, 提醒他我们第一次见面的时候他太不担待我了。Justin在2008年正式加盟了Usher和 Scooter的RBMG & Island 唱片共同投资的一个公司。

我并没像有些人那样拥有过许多东西。 我觉得这样让我成长的更坚强帮我塑造了我的性格。 现在我的学分平均4.0, 我想上大学,成长成一个更好的人。 JUstin Bieber与生俱来的艺术家天赋还基本没怎么被开发, 他一定在将来很长一段时间都会是音乐界的一个顶梁柱。 ”我觉得年纪大些的人会喜欢我的音乐, 因为我唱的歌是用心唱的, 而且不哗众取宠。我觉得我可以成长为一名艺术家, 我的歌迷们会跟我一起成长。” 想想看, 他才刚刚起步。
2011-01-08 · TA获得超过6233个赞

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2011-01-17 · TA获得超过197个赞
louria19 o(≥v≤)o~~好棒(*@ο@*) 哇~
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