An interesting event
At about 6 o clock this morning, I was awoken by a rather large explosion. "Fucksocks", I thought, having only just woken up, "It's a nuclear bomb!" I tell you now it sounded and felt like one. Anyway I thought nothing of it and went back to sleep, thinking that if I was going to die I might as well be comfortable. About half an hour later I was woken AGAIN by another explosion. There really is no justice in the word; it was just as I had got back to sleep. I tell you now, that really truly pissed me off. Then, to add insult to injury, ANOTHER explosion ten minutes later. This was too much. I arose, and turned on the News, as per ususal. I was slightly surprised to see a mushroom cloud, a tag saying "Live in Hemel Hempstead", and a banner saying "People are advised to stay indoors and shut windows". "Fucksocks", I thought, for the second time that day. I stayed watching the news and discovered that it was an explosion at the oil depot in the industrial estate, about a mile away from my house. Being a kind and considerate person (And also needing an excuse to go on the computer), I immediately signed in to MSN to see if my friends who live rather nearer there were alright. Needless to say they were.
Had a thought: If the fire carries on for 3 days like they said it would, and it drops ash all over our school, that means that there may be no school! For the WHOLE WEEK! And, because it's the last week of term anyway it means it will sort of link on to the Christmas holidays to get us an extra long holiday. Woo Yay!!!
Had another thought: That means I won't be able to give my friends their cheapo Wilkinson christmas class. Fucksocks.
At about 6 o clock this morning, I was awoken by a rather large explosion. "Fucksocks", I thought, having only just woken up, "It's a nuclear bomb!" I tell you now it sounded and felt like one. Anyway I thought nothing of it and went back to sleep, thinking that if I was going to die I might as well be comfortable. About half an hour later I was woken AGAIN by another explosion. There really is no justice in the word; it was just as I had got back to sleep. I tell you now, that really truly pissed me off. Then, to add insult to injury, ANOTHER explosion ten minutes later. This was too much. I arose, and turned on the News, as per ususal. I was slightly surprised to see a mushroom cloud, a tag saying "Live in Hemel Hempstead", and a banner saying "People are advised to stay indoors and shut windows". "Fucksocks", I thought, for the second time that day. I stayed watching the news and discovered that it was an explosion at the oil depot in the industrial estate, about a mile away from my house. Being a kind and considerate person (And also needing an excuse to go on the computer), I immediately signed in to MSN to see if my friends who live rather nearer there were alright. Needless to say they were.
Had a thought: If the fire carries on for 3 days like they said it would, and it drops ash all over our school, that means that there may be no school! For the WHOLE WEEK! And, because it's the last week of term anyway it means it will sort of link on to the Christmas holidays to get us an extra long holiday. Woo Yay!!!
Had another thought: That means I won't be able to give my friends their cheapo Wilkinson christmas class. Fucksocks.