求一篇英语作文,my english learning

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2023-06-14 · 超过314用户采纳过TA的回答
My English Learning Journey
Learning English has been an important part of my life for many years. It has opened up many opportunities for me and allowed me to connect with people from all over the world. In this essay, I will share my English learning journey and the challenges and achievements along the way.
I started learning English when I was in primary school. At that time, I had a hard time understanding the language and often struggled with grammar and pronunciation. However, I was determined to improve, and I worked hard to learn new words and phrases every day.
In middle school, I started taking English classes and participating in English competitions. This helped me to build my confidence and improve my English skills. I also started watching English movies and TV shows, which helped me to improve my listening and comprehension skills.
When I entered high school, I joined an English club and had the opportunity to practice speaking English with native speakers. This was a turning point for me, as it allowed me to apply what I had learned in a real-life setting. I also started reading English books and writing essays in English, which helped me to improve my writing skills.
After high school, I decided to study English at the university. This was a challenging but rewarding experience, as I was able to learn more about the language and its cultural significance. I also had the opportunity to study abroad and immerse myself in an English-speaking environment, which helped me to improve my language skills even further.
Looking back on my English learning journey, I am proud of the progress I have made and the challenges I have overcome. Learning English has not always been easy, but it has been a rewarding experience that has opened up many opportunities for me. I am grateful for the people who have supported me along the way and I am excited to continue improving my English skills in the future.
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