About Community College in US

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2022-11-06 · TA获得超过5257个赞
I went to a munity college in New Jersey for o years. You are right about most of what you say
it's easier to get into
it's cheaper pare to regular universities in USA
in addition
the classes are *** aller pare to univeristy. With the *** aller classes
you get more attention from your professors
they are always willing to help you with your school work. i trfered to a 4 year U
after pleting all the require courses for trfer. I would strongly agree someone who want to study in USA from HK to start at a munity college. It is a really great way to prepare you for the U. hope this will help you~ if you want more information
MSN me: [email protected] remember to mention that you want information on munity colleges
参考: me (university graduate in USA)
Community college is a really good choice to start with. I went to CC in California for o years. And then I trfered to UC Berkeley to finish my degree. One of the advantages of CC is that you don't have to decide your major so soon. You can first study all lower division courses
then you can spend time to determine what major you like. If you start in a 4-year U
you have to decide your major right away
and it is not easy to change later on. And CC is a lot cheaper. You can save a lot of money. In CC
it is less petitive
and the courses are easier
it me you have a bigger chance to get better grade
which also me it is easier to get into good universities. As I said you don't have to choose a major in CC
so you don't need to worry about "subject choices". You only have to think about if the universities you like has your favorite major or not. I got into UC Berkeley with a GPA ~3.4. So I will say it is not extremely difficult to trfer to reputable universities. However
it really depends on the specific year and what major you are.
参考: Personal Experience
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