高分求帮忙用英语翻译这几段话。 120
五Without the distraction of TV, they might sit around together after dinner and actually talk to one another六 A more literate new generation could be a product of the quiet hour七 Few pastimes bring a family closer together than gathering around and listening to mother or father read a good story
八I’m not a genius. I’m not gifted and I don’t write right. I’m lazy, undisciplined, and spend more time with my children and friends than I do writing九I don’t write right but I’ve beaten the odds
啊!!前面几句又不在了。先给这几句 展开
八I’m not a genius. I’m not gifted and I don’t write right. I’m lazy, undisciplined, and spend more time with my children and friends than I do writing九I don’t write right but I’ve beaten the odds
啊!!前面几句又不在了。先给这几句 展开