
敬人事部领导:您好!首先向您致以最诚挚的问候!我是江西理工大学环建学院安全工程专业2006年本科优秀毕业生。满怀着对前途的信心,对事业的渴求,对理想的抱负,我一直关注贵公... 敬人事部领导:



我出生于平凡的农村多子女家庭,很小的时候就能够自立, 有着农村人的朴素,与勤俭。能吃苦,有着自立、上进、善于思考的能力,本人性格开朗热情,能够很好的处理人际关系,可以更好更快地适应新的环境,在集体的天地中,我能够充分发挥自己的才能,是个责任心强的人,同时又有很多的半工半读经验,在校期间,承包驾驶过出租车锻炼自己对社会的适应能力及吃苦耐劳的能力;每个假期也在不同的公司实习学习工作经验。通过社会风浪对自己的洗礼,我胸怀斗志,路在脚下,只要我敢勤,我肯受苦,一切的路都将被我踏平,风不能让我改变前进的方向,也模糊不了我的视线,困难吓不倒我,苦和累也不能阻碍我前进。我将用我自己的智慧和汗水以真诚的行动回报社会对我的栽培,及贵公司对我的信任。

本人对安全工程相关专业课程有着浓厚的兴趣,因此在校期间,我充分利用江西理工大学优越的学习条件和浓郁的学习氛围,认真的学习了安全工程专业,并取得了优异的专业课成绩。此刻,我已具备了安全工程专业应有的技能,希望能够有机会到贵公司基层再进修再学习,从事安全生产监督管理、安全培训、安全技能、安全设备改造维护与设计等相关工作。同时,由于自己对计算机和英语学习有着特别浓厚的兴趣,在课余自学了大量的计算机和专业英语方面的知识,参加了全国英语四级考试,达到了英语四级水平,并能熟练查阅英文工具书和熟练使用计算机以及很好的应用网络资源。对贵单位的向往和对自身情况的综合考虑,希望能为贵单位尽职尽力,若能得到贵单位的录用,我将深感荣幸,我静候您的佳音。 给我一滴水,还您一片大海。请相信我会做得更好,期待着您的佳音!




 我来答
2007-03-03 · TA获得超过222个赞
Respects the human resources department to lead:
First extends the sincerest regards to you! I am the Jiangxi technicalUniversity link construct the institute safety engineering specializedin 2006 the undergraduate course outstanding graduate. Is filling withto the future confidence, to enterprise earnestly seeking, to theideal aspiration, I always pays attention to your firm thedevelopment, finally from on-line knew the expensive unit in 2007 hasthe employment advertise plan. My sincerity hoped can become yourfirm, thus the display special skill, hand in hand advances togetherwith the colleagues, offers own light and the heat for your firm'sdevelopment, fulfills duty fulfills responsibility, realizes thecommon magnificence!
I am born to the ordinary countryside multi- children family, verysmall time can support oneself, has the countryside person'ssimplicity, with is diligent and thrifty. Can endure hardship, has theability which supports oneself, progresses, is good at pondering,myself am cheerful the enthusiasm, can the very good processinginterpersonal relationship, be allowed to be better quickly adaptsthe new environment, in the collective world, I can fully display ownability, is the sense of responsibility strong person, simultaneouslyalso has the very many work-study programs experience, in schoolperiod, the contract drives the rental car to exercise oneself theability which and bears hardships and stands hard work to society'sadaptiveness; Each vacation also practises in the different companythe study work experience. Through social storm to own baptism, mymind fighting spirit, road under foot, so long as I dare theattendance, I am willing to suffer hardships, all roads are all trodby me evenly, the wind cannot let me change the advance the direction,also the fuzzy my line of sight, the difficulty could not frighten me,painstakingly and was tired cannot hinder me to go forward. I will useI wisdom and the sweat by the sincere motion repayment society to mycultivation, and your firm to my trust.
Myself have the strong interest to the safety engineering correlationspecialized curriculum, therefore in school period, I fully use theJiangxi technical University superior study condition and the richstudy atmosphere, the earnest study safety engineering specialty, andhas obtained the outstanding professional course result. This moment,I have had the skill which the safety engineering specialized shouldhave, hoped can have the opportunity to take advanced courses again toyour firm basic unit studies again, is engaged in the safety inproduction surveillance management, safe training, the security skill,the safety equipment transforms correlation work and so on themaintenance and design. At the same time, because own have thespecially strong interest to the computer and English study, -odd hasstudied independently the massive computers in the class and thespecialized English aspect knowledge, participated in the nationalEnglish four levels of tests, had achieved the English four levels oflevels, and can skilled consult English reference book and skilled usethe computer as well as the very good application network resources.With considered to expensive unit's yearning for to own situationsynthesis that, hoped can fulfill duty for the expensive unit makescontribution, if can obtain the expensive unit hiring, I will deeplyfeel am honored, I will await calmly your good news. For me a waterdrop, but also your sea. Please believed I can do well, isanticipating your good news!
I herewith offer Salute!
Offers to volunteer the person:
In February, 2007
Teachers Personnel leadership :

Hello! First to you my most sincere greetings! I Jiangxi Polytechnic University, School of building safety engineering college graduates in 2006. With confidence in the future of the desire for an ideal vision, I have been concerned about the development of your company. Guichanwei 2007 have finally learned from online recruitment program. I sincerely hope that your company can become a member, strengths, and work together with his colleagues. your company's contribution to the development of the light and heat, fulfill their duties and achieve common brilliant! I was born in the ordinary rural families with many children, able to stand on their own feet when they were little, with the simple rural people, and diligence. Hard, have self-reliance and upward mobility, and be good at thinking, warm and cheerful disposition, I can deal with good interpersonal, can be better and faster to adapt to the new environment, the collective space, I can give full play to their talents. is a strong sense of responsibility, that there are a lot of half-time experience at the school. contracting the taxi drivers training and their ability to adapt to the community's sense; Each holiday is different corporate internships learning experience. Through social storms of their baptism, I have in mind to fight the road in 1979, as long as I am buff, I willing to suffer. I have to be overcome all the way, I can not change the direction the wind, I also ambiguous view of the difficulties I am frightened. I can not hinder progress of hardship and tired. I will use my own wisdom and sincere action to return society to sweat my upbringing, and the trust placed in me by your company. With professional courses related to safety engineering has a keen interest in the school. Jiangxi Polytechnic University, I take full advantage of the favorable conditions and rich study of learning atmosphere, a serious study of safety engineering. Specialty and achieved remarkable results. At this point, I already have the skills of security professionals, the company hopes to have the opportunity to pursue further studies grassroots study again, engaged in the supervision and management of production safety, safety training, safety skills, upgrade equipment maintenance and safety-related design work. Meanwhile, due to their special computer and have a strong interest in learning English. in a lot of after-school self-professional English and computer knowledge to attend a CET - 4. reached a level 4 in English, inspection and proficiency in English and good computer skills to use the tools and the application of network resources. Guishanwei and yearning for a comprehensive consideration of their own, want to Guishanwei due diligence. can be Guishanwei hiring, I will honor, I look forward to your good news. Give me a drop of water, you piece of the ocean. Please believe me I will do a better job and looking forward to your good news! Respectfully salute!

Offers to volunteer the person:
In February, 2007
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