
教育背景:2008/09--至今:毕业学校:宁波教育学院|专业:国际经济与贸易|文凭:大专求职意向:期望从事职位:销售业务员期望从事行业:市场/市场拓展/公关销售业务期望... 教育背景:
2008/09 -- 至今:毕业学校:宁波教育学院 |专业:国际经济与贸易 | 文凭:大专
期望从事职位: 销售业务员
期望从事行业: 市场/市场拓展/公关 销售业务
期望工作地区: 宁波市区
目前状况: 应届毕业生
 本人吃苦耐劳,思维灵活,责任心强烈, , 良好的计算机操作技能;英文水准 4 级或以上。
 良好的时间管理和分析能力
 有很好的团队合作意识,注重把握细节,善于思考,而且对于新事物的接受能力快适应力也快,工作认真踏实肯干
 有较好得沟通能力与协调、组织策划能力。能和同事同学在短时间内处好关系有较强的交际能力。曾在学校中自创社团同时带领社团并成功策划并举办多次活动。能较快的融入新环境。
 遇到突发情况能沉着冷静,并及时处理
 善于决策,与收集信息

2010/12 1 必胜客宅急送 工作性质:兼职
1.1 本人在必胜客工作的职务是前台收银员。工作的内容为收银和点单。由于是餐饮行业所以工作内容与时间是不固定的,忙的时候我经常需要被派到不同岗位帮忙,并且经常需要延长工作的时间,而我也在不断自我学习更多的同时,也提高了工作效率。
1.2 在此工作中,我认真虚心向老员工请教学习。力求可以将自己的工作做的尽善尽美。
1.3 作为服务行业,我深知对顾客得态度事非常重要的。所以在此与顾客的接触之中,我努力保了良好的心态与良好的态度。
1.4 我体会到各行各业辛苦是在所难免的,我能按时上班,不迟到,同时对自己的分内工作负责。并且明白了每岗位都是一个机体里的部分,任何一个环节出了问题都会影响到整个机体的运作
2 全雍城韩式烧烤 工作性质:兼职
2.1 在全雍城的工作职务是餐饮服务员。这份工作需要每天和顾客接触,经常需要和人打交道,这让我学会了沟通和为人处事,
2.2 由于是餐饮类的工作更加需要一份细致与专心,这也养成了我在工作中细心的风格。碰到一些不顺心的事情也学会了如何面对,
2.3 在工作中碰到顾客有时候不理解或者误会提出投诉的时候也懂得了如何的处理能够最大的减少公司声誉与经济的损失。同时让客人能够满意。
2.4 这份工作让我增长了沟通处事,协调已经销售的能力。
 在校期间学校成绩优秀,表现良好。在任绿叶社社长期间,曾成功策划并举办过多项活动。如一年一度的“圣诞化妆联谊聚会”活动就成功拉到商家的赞助在为商家进行推广的同时也有效的节省了活动的成本获得过校师生的一致好评。
 个人曾带领社员成功与宁波江东的爱心小学结成合作关系:该校为我校提供社会实践机会与平台我校师生为该校义务劳动和义务教学。在我个人的提议下,我社团社员每月固定会带着礼品去看望那些民工子女的孩子,献上我们的一份爱心。
 在任期间,与校内其他社团结成了互帮互助对子。多次协助其他社团完成活动,与其他社团成员关系融洽。
英语水平良好:读写能力良好 | 听说能力良好 | 已获得CET4级证书(CET6级在考)
有良好的计算机水平能熟练操作计算机并且熟练使用 Powerpoint熟练掌握国际贸易专业的相关知识
 我来答
  2008/09 - present: Graduate School: Ningbo Institute of Education | Professional: International Economic and Trade | Diploma: College
  Employment intentions:
  Desired Position: Sales clerk
  Target Industry: Marketing / Marketing / PR sales
  Expectations of work: Ningbo city
  Current Status: Graduates
  I am hard-working, flexible thinking, a strong sense of responsibility, and good computer skills; English level 4 or above.
  Good time management and analysis capabilities
  have a good sense of teamwork, pay attention to grasp the details, good at thinking, but also for the ability to accept new things too quickly adapt to fast, serious and practical work hard
  too good communication skills and coordination, organizational planning skills. Colleagues and students to good relations in a short time at strong communication skills. Own community in the school community and also led the successful planning and organizing several activities. Can be quickly integrated into the new environment.
  encounter unexpected situations can be calm and timely manner
  good decision-making, and collecting information
  Work experience:
  2010/12 1 Pizza Hut home delivery of Employment: Part-time
  1.1 I work at Pizza Hut is the front office cashier. The content of the work the cash register and point list. As in the catering industry so the work content and time is not fixed, always busy when I need to be assigned to different positions to help, and often need to extend the work time, and I also continue to learn more about themselves, but also improve the efficiency.
  1.2 In this work, I seriously ask humbly learn the old staff. You can strive to do their work perfect.
  1.3 as a service industry, I know the attitude of the customers have something very important. Therefore, the contact with customers on this into, I try to ensure a good state of mind and good attitude.
  1.4 I understand the hard work all walks of life is inevitable, I can work on time, do not be late, but fall within the ambit of their responsibility. And understand where each job is a part of the body, any one link in the chain will affect the operation of the whole body
  At work, I strive to do their fair share while also willing to help colleagues get along well with colleagues.
  2 Yong City, Korean barbecue whole nature of the work: Part-time
  2.1 Yong City in the whole work are catering waiter. The job involves contact with customers every day, often need to deal with people that I learned communication and people skills
  2.2 As the work of the catering class needs a more detailed and focused, it has also become careful in my work style. Not a thing to run into some have learned how to face,
  2.3 times at work had a customer complaint does not understand or misunderstand, they also know how to deal with to the greatest reduction in corporate reputation and economic loss. While allowing customers satisfied.
  2.4 The growth of the communication work for me doing things, the ability of coordination have been sold.
  Positions held in school:
  School Propaganda Department Director
  President of the school community green leaves (individual founder)
  Nutrition and Food Association, vice president of community
  DV Club Vice President
  Work in school:
  Outstanding academic performance in school, performed well. Green club president in office during the planning and has successfully held a number of activities. Such as the annual "Christmas party make-up networking" event sponsored by successfully pulled for businesses to promote business effectively while also saving the cost of the activities of the school teachers and students received praise.
  Individual members have led successful and Ningbo Jiangdong primary form of love relationship: the school for my school to provide social opportunities and platform for my practice for the school teachers and students volunteer labor and compulsory education. In my proposal, I will be with community members at a fixed monthly gifts to the children of migrant workers who visit the children, offer us a love. During his tenure, became united with the teachers in the school community help each other pair. Completion of several activities to assist other communities, rapport with other community members.
  Personal certificate:
  Dan Zhengyuan
  National Computer Grade
  English (CET) four
  Personal skills:
  English skills: reading and writing skills Good | Good listening and speaking | have been CET4 Certificate (CET6 level in the test)
  Good computer skills and proficiency in operating a computer using Powerpoint master skilled professional knowledge of international trade
  Good communication, interpersonal skills, who in the speech contest winners
  Good coordination and organizational planning skills, has repeatedly organized and planned activities inside and outside organizations, schools and businesses to get some benefits.
2011-01-07 · TA获得超过242个赞
2008/09 - present: Graduate School: Ningbo Institute of Education | Professional: International Economic and Trade | Diploma: College
Employment intentions:
Desired Position: Sales clerk
Target Industry: Marketing / Marketing / PR sales
Expectations of work: Ningbo city
Current Status: Graduates
 I am hard-working, flexible thinking, a strong sense of responsibility, and good computer skills; English level 4 or above.
 Good time management and analysis capabilities
 have a good sense of teamwork, pay attention to grasp the details, good at thinking, but also for the ability to accept new things too quickly adapt to fast, serious and practical work hard
 too good communication skills and coordination, organizational planning skills. Colleagues and students to good relations in a short time at strong communication skills. Own community in the school community and also led the successful planning and organizing several activities. Can be quickly integrated into the new environment.
 encounter unexpected situations can be calm and timely manner
 good decision-making, and collecting information
Work experience:
2010/12 1 Pizza Hut home delivery of Employment: Part-time
1.1 I work at Pizza Hut is the front office cashier. The content of the work the cash register and point list. As in the catering industry so the work content and time is not fixed, always busy when I need to be assigned to different positions to help, and often need to extend the work time, and I also continue to learn more about themselves, but also improve the efficiency.
1.2 In this work, I seriously ask humbly learn the old staff. You can strive to do their work perfect.
1.3 as a service industry, I know the attitude of the customers have something very important. Therefore, the contact with customers on this into, I try to ensure a good state of mind and good attitude.
1.4 I understand the hard work all walks of life is inevitable, I can work on time, do not be late, but fall within the ambit of their responsibility. And understand where each job is a part of the body, any one link in the chain will affect the operation of the whole body
At work, I strive to do their fair share while also willing to help colleagues get along well with colleagues.
2 Yong City, Korean barbecue whole nature of the work: Part-time
2.1 Yong City in the whole work are catering waiter. The job involves contact with customers every day, often need to deal with people that I learned communication and people skills
2.2 As the work of the catering class needs a careful and concentrate more, it has also become careful in my work style. Not a thing to run into some have learned how to face,
2.3 times at work had a customer complaint does not understand or misunderstand, they also know how to deal with to the greatest reduction in corporate reputation and economic loss. While allowing customers satisfied.
2.4 The growth of the communication work for me doing things, the ability of coordination have been sold.
Positions held in school:
School Propaganda Department Director
President of the school community green leaves (individual founder)
Nutrition and Food Association, vice president of community
DV Club Vice President
Work in school:
 outstanding academic performance in school, performed well. Green club president in office during the planning and has successfully held a number of activities. Such as the annual "Christmas party make-up networking" event sponsored by successfully pulled for businesses to promote business effectively while also saving the cost of the activities of the school teachers and students received praise.
 Individual members have led successful and Ningbo Jiangdong primary form of love relationship: the school for my school to provide social opportunities and platform for my practice for the school teachers and students volunteer labor and compulsory education. In my proposal, I will be with community members at a fixed monthly gifts to the children of migrant workers who visit the children, offer us a love.
 During his tenure, became united with the teachers in the school community help each other pair. Completion of several activities to assist other communities, rapport with other community members.
Personal certificate:
Dan Zhengyuan
National Computer Grade
English (CET) four
Personal skills:
English skills: reading and writing skills Good | Good listening and speaking | have been CET4 Certificate (CET6 level in the test)
Good computer skills and proficiency in operating a computer using Powerpoint master skilled professional knowledge of international trade
Good communication, interpersonal skills, who in the speech contest winners
Good coordination and organizational planning skills, has repeatedly organized and planned activities inside and outside organizations, schools and businesses to get some benefits.
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Education: 2008/09 - present: Graduate School: Ningbo Institute of Education | Professional: International Economic and Trade | Diploma: College Career Objective: Desired Position: Sales clerk Target Industry: Marketing / Marketing / PR sales expectations Work areas: current status of Ningbo city: graduates of self-evaluation:  I am hard-working, flexible thinking, a strong sense of responsibility, and good computer skills; English level 4 or above.  Good time management and analysis capabilities  have a good sense of teamwork, pay attention to grasp the details, good at thinking, but also for the ability to accept new things too quickly adapt to fast, serious and practical work hard  good communication skills and coordination have organizing and planning ability. Colleagues and students to good relations in a short time at strong communication skills. Own community in the school community and also led the successful planning and organizing several activities. Can be quickly integrated into the new environment.  encounter unexpected situations can be calm and timely processing  good decision-making, and the collection of information Work experience: 2009/06 to 2010/12 1 Pizza Hut home delivery nature of the work: work part-time 1.1 position I was in front of Pizza Hut cashier. The content of the work the cash register and point list. As in the catering industry so the work content and time is not fixed, always busy when I need to be assigned to different positions to help, and often need to extend the work time, and I also continue to learn more about themselves, but also improve the efficiency. 1.2 In this work, I seriously ask humbly learn the old staff. You can strive to do their work perfect. 1.3 as a service industry, I know the attitude of the customers have something very important. Therefore, the contact with customers on this into, I try to ensure a good state of mind and good attitude. 1.4 I understand the hard work all walks of life is inevitable, I can work on time, do not be late, but fall within the ambit of their responsibility. And understand where each job is a part of the body, any one link in the chain will affect the operation of the entire body at work, I strive to do their fair share while also willing to help colleagues get along well with colleagues. 2 Yong City, Korean barbecue whole nature of work: part-time 2.1 in the whole work are Yong City restaurant waiter. The job involves contact with customers every day, often need to deal with people that I learned communication and people skills, 2.2 as the work of the catering class needs a more detailed and focused, it has also become my work careful style. Not a thing to run into some have learned how to face, 2.3 times at work had a customer complaint does not understand or a misunderstanding, they also know how to deal with to the greatest reduction in corporate reputation and economic loss. While allowing customers satisfied. 2.4 The growth of the communication work for me doing things, the ability of coordination have been sold. Positions held in school: School Propaganda Department of the General President of the school community green leaves (individual founder) Association of Societies of Nutrition and Food Society vice president, vice president of DV work in school:  outstanding academic performance in school, performed well. Green club president in office during the planning and has successfully held a number of activities. Such as the annual "Christmas party make-up networking" event sponsored by successfully pulled for businesses to promote business effectively while also saving the cost of the activities of the school teachers and students received praise.  Individual members have led successful and Ningbo Jiangdong primary form of love relationship: the school for my school to provide social opportunities and platform for my practice for the school teachers and students volunteer labor and compulsory education. In my proposal, I will be with community members at a fixed monthly gifts to the children of migrant workers who visit the children, offer us a love.  During his tenure, became united with the school community mutual assistance of other pairs. Completion of several activities to assist other communities, rapport with other community members. Personal Certificate: Dan Zhengyuan level of English National Computer (CET) four individual skills: good English: good reading and writing skills | listening and speaking well | has been CET4 Certificate (CET6 level in the test) have a good computer level of proficiency in operating computer and skilled use of Powerpoint master professional knowledge of international trade have good communication, interpersonal skills, speech contest winners in good coordination and organizational planning skills, has organized several community activities of school planning for schools and businesses to obtain a certain benefit.
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