j_____a trip of some distance,usually by land
f_____of,in or from another country
m____metal coins and paper bank notes
m____the pleasant sounds that pianos,drums etc. or voices etc. make
b____get in return from money
d_____a place where you can buy medicine
s_____all members of workers
o______make sb.angry
d______make up one's mind 展开
f_____of,in or from another country
m____metal coins and paper bank notes
m____the pleasant sounds that pianos,drums etc. or voices etc. make
b____get in return from money
d_____a place where you can buy medicine
s_____all members of workers
o______make sb.angry
d______make up one's mind 展开
journey_____a trip of some distance,usually by land
foreign_____of,in or from another country
money____metal coins and paper bank notes
music____the pleasant sounds that pianos,drums etc. or voices etc. make
bank____get in return from money
drugstore_____a place where you can buy medicine
staff_____all members of workers
outrage______make sb.angry
decide______make up one's mind
foreign_____of,in or from another country
money____metal coins and paper bank notes
music____the pleasant sounds that pianos,drums etc. or voices etc. make
bank____get in return from money
drugstore_____a place where you can buy medicine
staff_____all members of workers
outrage______make sb.angry
decide______make up one's mind