The Price of a Teenage Life
Prostitution is known for being a legal act done by women late at night, or sometimes during the board daylight. It’s known for being an international issue of young girls getting sold to the highest bidder, but it’s flooding the streets of America.The faces of prostitution have changed their getting younger and younger. They are our daughters, nieces, cousins, sisters, and they are being taken advantage of every night by men who are old enough to be the dads and grandfathers. Even though they get into it as victims they don’t have to live their life out as one. They have to know that there is a safe haven out there ready to help them become a teenager again. Places that will give them a second chance at life, not just beat them down for what that been through, but help them get over that time in their lives.
There’s no face of prostitution, any racial or religious background, or ethnic group can be prone to prostitution. Some teens get into prostitution for a number of reasons, such as being kidnapped and forced into to it by a pimp. Pimps have a different look now they use to have huge suits and hats with feathers, now they have thuggish mentality, belong to gangs and are much younger.
Prostitution is known for being a legal act done by women late at night, or sometimes during the board daylight. It’s known for being an international issue of young girls getting sold to the highest bidder, but it’s flooding the streets of America.The faces of prostitution have changed their getting younger and younger. They are our daughters, nieces, cousins, sisters, and they are being taken advantage of every night by men who are old enough to be the dads and grandfathers. Even though they get into it as victims they don’t have to live their life out as one. They have to know that there is a safe haven out there ready to help them become a teenager again. Places that will give them a second chance at life, not just beat them down for what that been through, but help them get over that time in their lives.
There’s no face of prostitution, any racial or religious background, or ethnic group can be prone to prostitution. Some teens get into prostitution for a number of reasons, such as being kidnapped and forced into to it by a pimp. Pimps have a different look now they use to have huge suits and hats with feathers, now they have thuggish mentality, belong to gangs and are much younger.