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传统管理方式在学校中的体现以及给学生和老师带来的影响、效果并不是很完善,但也有其可取的地方。例如,在很早的时候中国出现的私塾中,学生进入学校只需征得先生同意并向孔夫子和先... 传统管理方式在学校中的体现以及给学生和老师带来的影响、效果并不是很完善,但也有其可取的地方。例如,在很早的时候中国出现的私塾中,学生进入学校只需征得先生同意并向孔夫子和先生磕头即可。其规模不大,对学生没有要求,教学内容也是单一不变的,一切由先生说了算。但是由于数量和规模很小,也很易于教授知识。

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2011-01-08 · TA获得超过941个赞
The traditional management mode in school teachers and students and to reflect the impact of, the effect is not very perfect, but also have its desirable place. For example, in early China appear xue, students to enter the school consent to Mr. Only agreed to and Confucius and sir kowtow can. Its scale is not large, to student no requirement, teaching contents is a single constant, all by sir have the final say. But because the number and scale is small, also very easy to professor knowledge.
In the school's development process, experienced private expedition. In the 20th century, the qing government under the situation just has issued a new educational system, the ancient Chinese private plate-size development to a more advanced levels.
After new China was founded in 1949, China has established new education system. Ordinary people and their children by universal education opportunities gained, students can pass the exam to a deeper level of school for further study. Teaching system also from the first single Confucian thought rich to erected.with form multidisciplinary content.
I think education is human development is an important part of nots allow to ignore, it makes the human scientifically and objectively the world, explore the world, but school is to take on this responsibility of the carrier. The school management in the unceasing progress and development, students and teachers both organic parts also will develop into students, teachers and administrators three aspects.
School management, the development of the human progress may be considered as one of the marks
2011-01-08 · TA获得超过644个赞

Traditional management reflected in schoolt and its influence to students and teachers, the effect is not very perfect, but it also has its merits. For example, early in China's emerging private school, students enter the school only agreed to the consent of the President and bowed to Confucius the President. The sale is small, there is no requirement for students, teaching content is one constant, all by the President the final say. However, due to small number and size, it’s very easy to teach knowledge.

The course of development in the school, through the Private School, and the Imperial Examination. To the early 20th century, the situation forced the Qing government promulgated the new system, developed the ancient Private School and Imperial Examination of Chinese to a more advanced level.

After the founding of New China in 1949, China has established a new educational system. Universal access to ordinary people and their children had access to education, students can pass the exam to enter a higher level of school to study. The initial education system of single Confucianism is also rich to a multi-level multi-disciplinary content in various forms

I think that education can not be ignored as it’s paly an important part of human’s development. It makes the human understanding of the world and explore the world in a scientific and objective way, while the school is
a carrier to take this responsibility. School management in the continuing progress and development, both students and teachers will also be an integral part of development as students, teachers and administrators in three aspects.

The development of school management can be seen as one of the signs of human progress.

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2011-01-08 · TA获得超过1205个赞
Traditional management in the school and the students and teachers reflected the impact, the effect is not very perfect, but it also has its merits. For example, early in China's emerging private school, students enter the school only agreed to the consent of the President and the President bowed to Confucius. The small, there is no requirement for students, teaching content is one constant, all by the President the final say. However, due to small number and size, and very easy to teach knowledge.
The course of development in the school, through the private school, or scientific research. To the early 20th century, the situation forced the Qing government promulgated the new system before, the ancient discipline of Chinese private sector to consider the development of more advanced level.
After the founding of New China in 1949, China has established a new educational system. Universal access to ordinary people and their children had access to education, students can pass the exam to enter a higher level of school studies. Teaching system is also the first single from the rich to the Confucian form of multi-disciplinary multi-level content.
I think that education is human development can not be ignored as an important part of its objective to make human science understanding of the world, explore the world, while the school is to take on this responsibility of the carrier. School management in the continuing progress and development, both students and teachers will also be an integral part of development as students, teachers and administrators in three aspects.
The development of school management can be seen as one of the signs of human progress.
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