求一首英文歌的名字.男生唱的很温柔,高潮第一句好像是you andme后面听不清楚

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2015-09-29 · 遇到一段话、一本书,触动你的内心深处!
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I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me) - Aretha Franklin
Like a warrior that fights

And wins the battle
I know the taste of victory

Though I went through some nights
Consumed by the shadows

And was crippled emotionally

Somehow I made it through the heartace

Yes I do

I escaped

I found my way out of the darkness

Kept my faith

Kept my faith

And the river was deep I didn't falter

When the mountain was high

I still believed

When the valley was low

It didn't stop me

I knew you were waiting

I knew you were waiting for me

En en en en

With and endless desire

I kept on searching

Sure in time our eyes would meet

And like the bridge is on fire
The hurt is over

One touch and you set me free

I don't regret a single moment

Looking back

When I think of all those disappointments

I just laugh I just laugh

And the river was deep I didn't falter

When the mountain was high

I still believed

When the valley was low

It didn't stop me

I knew you were waiting

Knew you were waiting for me
So we were drawn together through destiny

I know this love

We share was meant to be

Knew you were waiting

Knew you were waiting
Knew you were waiting
Knew you were waiting for me

I didn't falter I didn't falter

I still believed

When the valley was low

It didn't stop me
I knew you were waiting

Knew you were waiting for me

I didn't falter

I still believed

It didn't stop me

I knew you were waiting

I knew you were waiting for me

I didn't falter I didn't falter

I still believed

It didn't stop me

I knew you were waiting

Knew you were waiting for me

I didn't falter

I still believed
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