The intention was to adopt the minimal protections consistent with U.S. Berne obligations,and apply the moral rights regime only to what we think of as the "fine art"market. There are only two rights granted by VARA:the right of attribution(which amounts to the right to be identified as the author of your work,as well as to preventing the use of your name in relation to works you didn't author),and the right of integrity(the right to prevent intentional distortion or mutilation of your work,or to prevent the destruction of your work if you are an author of "recognized stature"). These rights can't be transferred,but they can be waived by the author.Moral rights only last for the life of the author,unlike the other rights that endure for the period of copyright protection--which is,as we saw above,typically the life of the author plus seventy years. The outcomes in these cases might charitably be called "idiosyncratic,"although a more accurate version might be that they're just strange.