i think___ they study Chinese well. A. it important B. important C. is important 这道题选什么,为什么?... 这道题选什么,为什么? 展开 我来答 1个回答 #热议# 不吃早饭真的会得胆结石吗? 创作者fIVJ2jQCXS 2019-03-17 · TA获得超过3571个赞 知道大有可为答主 回答量:3056 采纳率:24% 帮助的人:209万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 Abelieve/thinkit+adj表示“认为……怎样”这里it指代的是theystudyChinesewell这件事。这种结构蛮常见的。再如Idon'tthinkitusefultheyrushtoschoolnow我不认为他们现在赶去学校有用。it指代后面theyrushtoschoolnow这件事楼主参考下~希望对你有帮助~ 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 推荐律师服务: 若未解决您的问题,请您详细描述您的问题,通过百度律临进行免费专业咨询 其他类似问题 2022-06-07 I think___necessary for us to learn English well. A it B that C its D that's 2022-05-08 ( ) is very important in study. 2023-03-05 ( )does he like English?He thinks it's very inter 2022-02-10 We are students.It's important ______ our homewor 2023-04-12 I found it important______English well. 2017-09-08 I think English is ______ useful language, and it’s also ______ important language. A.an, a . 7 2016-01-02 It’s important _______ us __________English well.A. of, learning ... 2 2012-07-23 It's important _______ English well. 4 为你推荐: