羽绒服的英文是down-filled coat,用法例句介绍如下:
1.The slickest of puffers have their nation or company name emblazoned somewhere prominently on the material..最为光滑的那些羽绒服豪不含蓄的在面料上打上出产国或公司的标志。
2.Tom: I think his sweaters and his down coats are what he most needs at this moment.我想他的毛衣和羽绒服是这个时刻他最需要的。
3.And his mom would like to buy some clothes coz they didn't bring enough clothes with them.他的妈妈体形如何?我有闲置的羽绒服,希望可以帮到他们。
4.In the past, the spectacle of people in giant, grotesque, puffer coats going hatless was always amusing.原来我一直觉得看到很多人穿着特厚的羽绒服但不戴帽子有点好笑。
5.The terrifying snaps of a man wearing a blue mask and coat were taken on the underground system in Beijing, China. 北京地铁系统的监控录像也将这一过程记录了下来。在这段令人惊恐的视频中,可以看到该男子戴着蓝色口罩,身上穿着羽绒服。
6.To explore the South Pole, it is of course necessary for the explorers to wear down jackets which have good heat preservation.去南极探险,当然要穿保暖性强的羽绒服。