1、你把我的伞弄到哪里去了?What have you done with my umbrella?
2、借你的伞用一下行吗?Can I borrow your umbrella?
3、我撑开伞。I put up my umbrella.
4、拿伞的人又拐进了拐角处。The man with the umbrella turned the corner again.
5、他是个经验丰富的跳伞者,已经跳过150多次伞了。He was an experienced parachutist who had done over 150 jumps.
6、伞兵团可能会被迫招收女性。The Parachute Regiment could be forced to admit women.
7、她撑开伞,沿着河街向前走。She opens her umbrella, and walks up River Street
8、他们下降了41,000英尺后才拉开伞。They fell 41,000 ft. before opening their parachutes
9、哈里为唐打着伞。Harry held an umbrella over Dawn.
10、她的伞被风吹得翻转了。Her umbrella blew inside out.
11、不管愿不愿意,英国都免不了要处于美国的核保护伞之下。Britain cannot avoid being under the US nuclear umbrella, whether it wants to or not.
12、我们可以把伞放在入口处。We can leave our umbrellas at the entry.
13、简把伞举在头上。Jane held the umbrella over her head.
14、她顺手牵羊拿走了那顶新尼龙伞。She picked up the new nylon umbrella on the sly.
15、别忘了带伞,下雨好用。Don't forget to take your umbrella in case it rains.
16、如你有伞,让我们合用吧。If you have an umbrella, let me share it with you.