thanks读音如下: 美 [θæŋks]英 [θæŋks] int.谢谢;(接受好意)好的;(婉言谢绝)
n.感谢;谢意;感激 v.“thank”的第三人称单数
1.But atleast, thanks to the largenumber of jobs it is (temporarily) creating, the census may help lift the economy a bit.但至少,感谢这次普查制造了大量的就业机会,尽管是暂时的,也将帮助政府缓解一定的经济压力。
2.Man back: Thanks, teacher stared at it, say class.老兄回:谢了,班主任盯着呢,下课再说。
3.So as you leave Wellesley today, takewithyou deep thanks for the courtesy and the honor you have shared with Mrs. Gorbachev and with me.所以,今天,当你们离开韦尔斯利时,请对你们与戈尔巴乔夫和我共同分享的这段时间的荣耀表示深深的感谢。
4.The foreigner comes andis now usingthe meetingroom, I have tohave her left for a while, thanks for your help.老外来公司占用了会议室,我得客气的请她离开一下,麻烦帮个忙。
5.It hasbeen a long time forming. Most congressional seats are safely in the hands of one of the two parties, thanks to gerrymandering.这是个长期的形成过程,绝大多数的议会席位很安全地掌握在两政党之一的手中,多亏了不公正划分选区。