Song -- John Donne Go
and catch a falling star; Get with child a mandrake root; Tell me
where all past years are
Or who cleft the devil's foot. Teach me to hear mermaids singing Or to keep off envy's stinging
And find What wind Serves to advance an honest mind. If thou beest born to strange sights
Things invisible to see
Ride ten thousand days and nights Till age snow white hairs on thee. Thou
when thou return'st
wilt tell me All strange wonders that befell thee
And swear No where Lives a woman true
and fair. If thou find'st one
let me know; Such a pilgrimage were sweet. Yet do not
I would not go: Though at next door we might meet
Though she were true when you met her
And last till you write your letter
Yet she Will be False
ere I e
to o
or three.
参考: et/ki/eng_art
Grandpa's Soup No one makes soup like my Grandpa’s
with its diced carrots the perfect size and its diced potatoes the perfect size and its wee soft bits - what are their names? and its big bit of hough
which rhymes with loch
floating like a rich island in the middle of the soup sea. I say
Grandpa your soup is the best soup in the whole world. And Grandpa says
which rhymes with hough and loch
Don't be daft
because he's shy about his soup
my Grandpa. He knows I will grow up and pine for it. I will fall ill and desperately need it. I will long for it my whole life after he is gone. Every soup will bee sad and wrong after he is gone. He knows when I'm older I will avoid soup altogether. Oh Grandpa
why is your soup so glorious? I say tucking into my fourth bowl in a day. Barley! That’s the name of the wee soft bits. Barley. Jackie Kay
参考: spl.uk/card_npd/postcard?ID=5
and catch a falling star; Get with child a mandrake root; Tell me
where all past years are
Or who cleft the devil's foot. Teach me to hear mermaids singing Or to keep off envy's stinging
And find What wind Serves to advance an honest mind. If thou beest born to strange sights
Things invisible to see
Ride ten thousand days and nights Till age snow white hairs on thee. Thou
when thou return'st
wilt tell me All strange wonders that befell thee
And swear No where Lives a woman true
and fair. If thou find'st one
let me know; Such a pilgrimage were sweet. Yet do not
I would not go: Though at next door we might meet
Though she were true when you met her
And last till you write your letter
Yet she Will be False
ere I e
to o
or three.
参考: et/ki/eng_art
Grandpa's Soup No one makes soup like my Grandpa’s
with its diced carrots the perfect size and its diced potatoes the perfect size and its wee soft bits - what are their names? and its big bit of hough
which rhymes with loch
floating like a rich island in the middle of the soup sea. I say
Grandpa your soup is the best soup in the whole world. And Grandpa says
which rhymes with hough and loch
Don't be daft
because he's shy about his soup
my Grandpa. He knows I will grow up and pine for it. I will fall ill and desperately need it. I will long for it my whole life after he is gone. Every soup will bee sad and wrong after he is gone. He knows when I'm older I will avoid soup altogether. Oh Grandpa
why is your soup so glorious? I say tucking into my fourth bowl in a day. Barley! That’s the name of the wee soft bits. Barley. Jackie Kay
参考: spl.uk/card_npd/postcard?ID=5