
 我来答
2022-10-12 · TA获得超过5140个赞
There is a happy call moved to have a feeling called happiness, there is a well-being called touched. I exactly enjoy this happiness a lucky girl. That winter, the snow under the swirl. Before New Year's Eve night, I lie on the window to see snow. Lighting full of fluttering snowflakes seemed irrepressible heart filled with joy. Succession of firecrackers, filled with Chinese New Year es the warm atmosphere. Everything seems to be reflected in the orange light background, including the folder where the parents hair the Jisi Seniors faintly visible site winter nights draw in glitter. I will never fet the parents how I reared *** s. I watering them with simplicity and kindness, so clever and enthusia *** to perate me, make me this little tiny flowers happy and robust growth. Lost count of how many times, I fell over, parents encourage eyes with a warm *** ile, cheer me stand up again; never fet how many nights my homework in the light, the parents also lamp blankly The sat silently acpany me most of the night ... and suddenly, I feel light filled with love of dancing in the snow, my face unconsciously moist. Looking at this serene night, I suddenly have a touching, feel that they should do something for it, the next day I want to give Mom and Dad a surprise. The next day at dawn, I got up quietly. Feather-like snow overnight, mounted to earth became a beautiful, even the window fired into the sunlight is so dazzling. I pushed the door, opened the door, I froze. A snow doll stand in front of my house, a playful look, head held hostage to a Red Hat waving hand grinning children in Tiantiandexiao. Puchi, I can not help but laugh. "Happy New Year!" From behind the snow doll out of o people, that my father, my mother, and they looked at me gently. My nose suddenly sour, could not help the tears flow down. The face of the parents *** ile, I'm speechless. Patch of snow, I took Mom and Dad, fondly hope for a long, long time. I remember the poet said: "How can I thank you so, I originally wanted to harvest a ray of spring, when I move toward you, you gave me the whole spring; let me how to thank you, when I move toward you, I originally wanted to won a bunch of waves, you gave me the whole ocean. "Yeah, let me how to thank you, Mom and Dad. You have given my life, you give me strength, you give me happiness, and I but no to the return. There is a feeling called happiness, a happiness called touched. Thank you, Mom and Dad, thank you for giving me happy, thank you I learned touched. I understand that you put up with hardships, I know you were filled with hope, I will do my power to give you happiness, so that we learn moved! I grew up, I think doing a Chinese person is proud, my soul is moved by bapti *** .   在现实生活中,令我感动的事情实在是太多了。但我不为一件衣服而感动,不为能住上豪华的房子而感动……能让我感动的只有那人世间的点点滴滴的真情。 记得那是一次在体育课上,体育老师命令我们在操场上跑圈,但是刚刚跑完二圈,我们班一位体质弱的女生就在半路上坐了下来,她感觉有些双腿无力,站不起来;我们班一位心细的女生发现她在操场上坐着,似乎发觉了什么,于是急忙跑了过去。关切地询问她:“你怎么了,没事吧?我扶你去老师那儿吧!”她将那个女生的一只手轻轻地揽过来,用自己的另一只手扶住她的腰,想要扶她走到老师那儿。可没想到刚走了一小步,那个女生就坚持不住了,双腿发软,坐了下来。还有几位女生也发现了,有几个跑了过来,还有几个去报告老师。其中有一个力气比较大的女生想要把她抱到老师那儿去,可是她不答应。 老师听说后,立即跑了过来。然后命令几个同学去卫生室请卫生老师,还命令一个男同学进教室拿椅子。过了一会儿,椅子拿来了,卫生老师说:“没事,她只是有些中暑,不能做太剧烈的运动,你们去给她买瓶水吧。另外要轻轻给她 *** *** !”听到这句话,同学们和老师脸上都展现出一副放松的神情。班里的几个男生听说后,怕她在太阳光下太热,主动要求把她抬到卫生室去。可是她很坚强,要求自己走。同学们一边在一旁鼓励她,一边小心翼翼地扶着她。 上自习课了,她的好朋友都在一旁陪着她,她却怕耽误她们的学习,一会对这个说:“你从小学时候就是我的好朋友,我不想耽误你的学习,所以你回去吧!”一会又对那个说:“你是我新交的好朋友,和我不算太熟悉,何必为了我而耽误自己的学习呢!”可她们都不答应,并异口同声的说:“好朋友是不分时间长短的,你这个样子,我们怎么能安心学习呢?”听到这些话,她的眼眶不禁湿润了。这时,老师们走了进来,关切的问她:“怎么样?感觉好些了吗?”她回答:“好多了。”老师们说:“那就好,你可把我们都吓坏了。另外,你让她们扶你起来走动走动,别老坐着。”她们点了点头。 我的眼眶也不禁湿润了,这才是人间的真情,同学之间的友情和老师与学生之间的师生情。这一件平平凡凡、点点滴滴的小事使我读懂了人生这本书,真正体会到了人间的真情。正是这一次次感动,使我领略到了人生的真谛。   有没有具体一点的要求啊

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