Dear Mr . Hang-Xing Wang:
I am pleased to invite you to join my laboratory at the University o f Akron for 18 months, as a visiting scholar to carry out collaborative research between my group and Professor Hao-Li Zhang's group at the Lanzhou University, preferentially starting at the beginning of July 2011. It is my understanding that, upon the completion o f this visit, you wil l need to return to Lanzhou University to further explore these collaborative activities, and that China Scholarship Council (CSC) wil l cover all the travel expenses and accommodations for your stay in the United State o f America.
This invitation is an indication of my satisfaction with your work experience and research record. You wil l be working on advanced topics in the area o f high electronic conductivity o f I l - V I quantum dots; in particular, you wil l be carrying out the synthesis and fabrication o f optoelectronics and electronics by 11-Vl quantum dots, which is a collaboration project with Prof Alan J. Heeger, a noble prize winner, at the
University o f California, Santa Barbara. You wil l have an opportunity working with Prof A . J. Heeger in his group. The University of Akron has a world class program
(ranked No. 1 in the international) in polymer science and engineering. We are currently holding substantial financial supports for this project from various fund agencies; therefore, there wil l be no problems with the related laboratory expenses for your research here.
I am looking forward to welcome you to the University o f Akron . I am confident that you wil l enjoy working with the best scientists and fellow students at the College of Polymer Science and Engineering in the USA.
Sincerely yours.
Xiong Gong
Assistant Professor
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I am pleased to invite you to join my laboratory at the University o f Akron for 18 months, as a visiting scholar to carry out collaborative research between my group and Professor Hao-Li Zhang's group at the Lanzhou University, preferentially starting at the beginning of July 2011. It is my understanding that, upon the completion o f this visit, you wil l need to return to Lanzhou University to further explore these collaborative activities, and that China Scholarship Council (CSC) wil l cover all the travel expenses and accommodations for your stay in the United State o f America.
This invitation is an indication of my satisfaction with your work experience and research record. You wil l be working on advanced topics in the area o f high electronic conductivity o f I l - V I quantum dots; in particular, you wil l be carrying out the synthesis and fabrication o f optoelectronics and electronics by 11-Vl quantum dots, which is a collaboration project with Prof Alan J. Heeger, a noble prize winner, at the
University o f California, Santa Barbara. You wil l have an opportunity working with Prof A . J. Heeger in his group. The University of Akron has a world class program
(ranked No. 1 in the international) in polymer science and engineering. We are currently holding substantial financial supports for this project from various fund agencies; therefore, there wil l be no problems with the related laboratory expenses for your research here.
I am looking forward to welcome you to the University o f Akron . I am confident that you wil l enjoy working with the best scientists and fellow students at the College of Polymer Science and Engineering in the USA.
Sincerely yours.
Xiong Gong
Assistant Professor
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致Wang Huang-Xing 先生:
我在此很荣幸邀请您以访问学者的身份来我位于阿克伦大学(University of Akron)的研究所。在这项为期18个月的访问期间,您将会有机会和我的研究小组和来自兰州大学的Zhang Hao-Li博士的研究小组一起合作进行研究。这项合作研究有可能会在2011年7月头开始。据我所理解,完成了这趟访问后,您必须回到兰州大学好进一步了解先前所提的合作研究活动。您在美利坚合众国的旅行和住宿事宜将会由国家留学基金管理委员会(China Scholarship Council, CSC)全部包办。
Xiong Gong 启
我在此很荣幸邀请您以访问学者的身份来我位于阿克伦大学(University of Akron)的研究所。在这项为期18个月的访问期间,您将会有机会和我的研究小组和来自兰州大学的Zhang Hao-Li博士的研究小组一起合作进行研究。这项合作研究有可能会在2011年7月头开始。据我所理解,完成了这趟访问后,您必须回到兰州大学好进一步了解先前所提的合作研究活动。您在美利坚合众国的旅行和住宿事宜将会由国家留学基金管理委员会(China Scholarship Council, CSC)全部包办。
Xiong Gong 启
这个邀请的一个迹象是满意自己的工作经验和研究记录。你很快就会回来的我的工作更高级的主题在该地区高导电欧氏激光束我- V我量子点;特别是,你很快就会回来的l进行综合和制造激光束光电及电子的量子点11-Vl,这是一种合作项目Heeger艾伦·j教授,是一个高尚的奖得主,在
这个邀请的一个迹象是满意自己的工作经验和研究记录。你很快就会回来的我的工作更高级的主题在该地区高导电欧氏激光束我- V我量子点;特别是,你很快就会回来的l进行综合和制造激光束光电及电子的量子点11-Vl,这是一种合作项目Heeger艾伦·j教授,是一个高尚的奖得主,在