在家访的过程中,在带去公司对2个家庭慰问的同时,也了解到他们家庭的状况。 肇事者赵明有一个仅一岁的儿子,家住农村;王海的儿子十岁,他家刚刚买房贷款了十五万元,其他两个家庭的经济状况也都并不理想。
公司员工的心是连在一起的,大家都对都对这2名如此年轻员工的过逝表示出了无限的同情,车间的一些员工也纷纷参加了他们的追悼会,目睹了2个家庭痛不欲生的惨状。酒后驾车是可恨的,但家庭是无辜的,特别是赵明一岁的孩子,他的祖父61岁,祖母58岁,母亲无工作, 全家仅靠赵明父母600多元的镇保收入勉强维持生活,由于不能从任何地方得到赔偿,他们的家庭陷入了困境。此时此刻,任何一点慰问都是莫大的心理安慰。故此我们倡议从经理、总监开始至每一位员工,都能伸出一双援助的手,为他的孩子募集一笔抚养教育基金,筹集到的款项将由公司按1:1比例补贴。(见图一)
捐款筹集人:由领班/主任/经理负责募集(附募集捐款清单),最后由各部门经理交给人力资源部后一并交给家属。 展开
在家访的过程中,在带去公司对2个家庭慰问的同时,也了解到他们家庭的状况。 肇事者赵明有一个仅一岁的儿子,家住农村;王海的儿子十岁,他家刚刚买房贷款了十五万元,其他两个家庭的经济状况也都并不理想。
公司员工的心是连在一起的,大家都对都对这2名如此年轻员工的过逝表示出了无限的同情,车间的一些员工也纷纷参加了他们的追悼会,目睹了2个家庭痛不欲生的惨状。酒后驾车是可恨的,但家庭是无辜的,特别是赵明一岁的孩子,他的祖父61岁,祖母58岁,母亲无工作, 全家仅靠赵明父母600多元的镇保收入勉强维持生活,由于不能从任何地方得到赔偿,他们的家庭陷入了困境。此时此刻,任何一点慰问都是莫大的心理安慰。故此我们倡议从经理、总监开始至每一位员工,都能伸出一双援助的手,为他的孩子募集一笔抚养教育基金,筹集到的款项将由公司按1:1比例补贴。(见图一)
捐款筹集人:由领班/主任/经理负责募集(附募集捐款清单),最后由各部门经理交给人力资源部后一并交给家属。 展开
The appalling news of the day in the morning, the company held an emergency meeting of top management. suppress grief at the same time as the deployment of the incident be properly handled a series of work. After security personnel and party workers started a regiment of the line condolences to coordinate area. So far the Public Security Bureau has issued a traffic police detachment accident liability insured. Zhao responsibility for the accident (alcohol test results 1.63mg/ml) drink driving. caused by vehicles turning out into the harbor. Caused by the horrible disaster is relentless drinking, overnight two families lost their backbone. young children lost their father……
Visits in the process, the company has brought condolences to the families of the two, understand that they have families. Jo Myong Rok, the perpetrators have only a one-year-old son, who lived in rural areas; Wang's 10-year-old son. His family has just sold a 150,000 yuan loan, the economic situation in the other two families are not ideal. As for the insurance companies to drink the exemption clause and therefore my driver and vehicle. All insurers without any compensation. After the company has been trying for two victims before insurance companies agree to the amount of its insurance payments to the company. The company will award the full amount to the families of the victims and hope they can get some comfort.
Company staff take care each other. Everyone feels those two passed away so young expressed profound sympathy. Some employees have participated in the workshop that they have a memorial service, the two families have witnessed the tragic pain can be excruciating. Drinking and driving is detestable, but the family is innocent, Jo Myong Rok, a year-old child, in particular, his 61-year-old grandfather. 58-year-old grandmother, no mother, the family of the town more than 600 yuan alone Ming Bao income parents to eke out a living Because not receive compensation from any other place, the family found itself in a tight corner. At this moment, any sympathy are great psychological comfort. Therefore, we initiative from the manager began to every member of its staff director, the pair have extended the hand of assistance. He raised one child to the care and education fund, the money will be raised by the company to subsidize 1:1 ratio (See Figure 1).
Regardless of the size of your ability, the number of contributions, as long as they presented a token of their own. are a great support to families of former colleagues. Donations raised by the captain : / director / manager responsible for the collection (the collection of donations attached list). Human Resources Manager to various departments together after the last family members.
Visits in the process, the company has brought condolences to the families of the two, understand that they have families. Jo Myong Rok, the perpetrators have only a one-year-old son, who lived in rural areas; Wang's 10-year-old son. His family has just sold a 150,000 yuan loan, the economic situation in the other two families are not ideal. As for the insurance companies to drink the exemption clause and therefore my driver and vehicle. All insurers without any compensation. After the company has been trying for two victims before insurance companies agree to the amount of its insurance payments to the company. The company will award the full amount to the families of the victims and hope they can get some comfort.
Company staff take care each other. Everyone feels those two passed away so young expressed profound sympathy. Some employees have participated in the workshop that they have a memorial service, the two families have witnessed the tragic pain can be excruciating. Drinking and driving is detestable, but the family is innocent, Jo Myong Rok, a year-old child, in particular, his 61-year-old grandfather. 58-year-old grandmother, no mother, the family of the town more than 600 yuan alone Ming Bao income parents to eke out a living Because not receive compensation from any other place, the family found itself in a tight corner. At this moment, any sympathy are great psychological comfort. Therefore, we initiative from the manager began to every member of its staff director, the pair have extended the hand of assistance. He raised one child to the care and education fund, the money will be raised by the company to subsidize 1:1 ratio (See Figure 1).
Regardless of the size of your ability, the number of contributions, as long as they presented a token of their own. are a great support to families of former colleagues. Donations raised by the captain : / director / manager responsible for the collection (the collection of donations attached list). Human Resources Manager to various departments together after the last family members.