谁帮我写篇英语作文啊 急~~~~ 5
要求 1阅读非常有用和有趣2小时候我喜欢读有趣的故事,长大后我喜欢读增长知识和技能的书3读书可以扩大眼界,世界也因此变得更加富有色彩
Knowledge is the most important thing in the world, as the old Chinese saying goes:"Books have houses of gold and words of jade." This saying has influenced me quite a bit. Reading is very interesting and useful. The stories are often very funny and one can learn a lot of things from them. When I was young, I loved to read interesting stories, when I grew up, I continuted to read. I gained a lot of knowledge and skills through reading. Reading can also broaden our views, we can see the world in a whole new light. We can connect with many different cultures, and this diversity will help us understand that our world is really the most colorful world there can be.
参考资料: egregia cum laude from pre school DT