牛津英语8b课文翻译 Chapter4 Educational visits

Joycewantedtoincludesomearticlesabouteducationalvisitstoothercountriesintheschoolnews... Joyce wanted to in clude some articles about educational visits to other countries in the school newspaper. She asked some older students to write these articles.

A wonderful year in New Zealand
Tammy Luo
'If I goto New Zealand, will I be able to understand the local people?' This was my first thought when the American Fied Service (AFS) programme accepted me as part of their educational exchange programme.
I stayed with a host family in Auckland for one year. At first, communicating was quite difficult. But my hosts were very patient and they helped me learn fast.
I took many photos of China with me so that I could show people Chinese culture. Igave a talk about China to my classmates, and Ieven did some simple Cinese cooking.
It was a wonderful year. I earnt about a new culture, and I became more confident

Visiting the poor in Thaniland
Edwin Su
Last year I went to Thailand for ten days. The trip was arranged by World vision. the aim of our trip was to learn sbout the lives of poor people in Thailand.
I was deeply moved by what I saw. In certain areas, some families were so poor that they had to live in rubbish dumps. However, the Thai government is working hard to improve the situation.
Although the trip was hard work, it was a very valuable experience for me. It has shown me how fortunate I am.

Scholarship to Japan
Sylvia Wang
I visited Japan for six weeks because I won a Japan Airlines scholarship. For five weeks, Ilived with other foreign students in a hotel and attended Japanese language classes. We also had classes on Japanese culture and went on sightseeing tours.
For the final week, I stayed with a friendly family in Kyoto, the old capital of Japan.
I made friends with students from other countries, as well as many from Japan. I returned to China three moths ago and since then, I have kept in touch with my new friends by writing e-mails
2011-01-27 · TA获得超过4875个赞
Educational visits 有教育意义的出访参观活动


美好的新西兰一年之旅 (黛米,罗)

If I goto New Zealand, will I be able to understand the local people?' This was my first thought when the American Fied Service (AFS) programme accepted me as part of their educational exchange programme.在我收到要是我去新西兰,我能理解那里的人吗?当美国战地服务团接受我时,这是最初令我担心的问题。

I stayed with a host family in Auckland for one year. At first, communicating was quite difficult. But my hosts were very patient and they helped me learn fast.
I took many photos of China with me so that I could show people Chinese culture. Igave a talk about China to my classmates, and Ieven did some simple Cinese cooking.
It was a wonderful year. I earnt about a new culture, and I became more confident

accept 接受

I stayed with a New Zealand family in Auckland for one year. At first, I found that communicating was quite difficult*. But my hosts* were very patient, and they helped

me to learn fast.


I found that communicating was quite difficult. =

I found communication quite difficult.

find sth + adj. 发现某事......(怎么样)

hostess 主人(女)


waiter男服务员/ waitress女服务员



As part of the programme, AFS* students try to tell people about their own chlture. I

took many photos and postcards of China with me, as well as some simple Chinese

books. I gave a talk* about China to some classes in school, and I even did some

simple Chinese cooking. *


AFS 美国战地服务团

gave a talk 发表讲话

Visiting the poor in Thailand Edwin Su


Last year I went to Thailand for ten days. The trip was funded by* World Vision*,

which helps poor people throughout* the world. I went with another student and two reporters. The aim of the trip was to see the problems for ourselves.


be funded by... = be paid for by... 由......资助,赞助

throughout prep. 遍及,贯穿

We were deeply affected* by what we saw. There is a big gap* between the lives of

the rich and the poor. In some areas we saw families living in* rubbish dumps.

However, The Thai Government is working hard to improve the situation.


were deeply affected = have very strong feelings 被深深感动

gap = open space = division or hole 沟,代沟,距离

The trip was actually quite hard work, * but it was a very valuable experience for me. It has shown me how fortunate* most of us are here in China.


hard work繁重的工作


Scholarship to Japan 到日本的奖学金 Sylvia Wang

This summer, I was fortunate to win a Japan Airlines Scholarship. This enabled me

to visit* Japan for six weeks. For five weeks, all the foreign students lived in a hotel

and attended Japanese language classes. We also had classes on Japanese culture,

including flower-arranging and the art of tea-making. * We went on sightseeing tours* and visited a television station.


enabled sb to do sth 使得某人能够做某事

make sb able to do sth/allow sb to do sth


sightseeing tour观光旅游 sightsee[ 'saitsi: ]vi. 观光,游览

After the first five weeks, we visited Kyoto[ ki'?ut?u ], * the old capital of Japan, and Yokohama[ 'j?uk?'hɑ:m? ].* We stayed with* friendly families in these cities.


Kyoto、Kioto [ ki'?ut?u ]n. 京都(曾是日本古都)

Yokohama [ 'j?uk?'hɑ:m? ]n. 横滨

stay with 继续听讲(继续做,与...留在一起)

I thought that, if I went abroad, I would make many new friends. This turned out* to

be true. I met and talked to students from Korea, Brazil and Australia, as well as many Japanese. I left Japan three months ago and since then, I have kept in touch with*

my new friends by writing letters.


turn out = later be proved 事后被证实

kept in touch(with sb)= communicate (with sb) 与某人保持联系
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