求翻译(英译中) 30
The principal problem today is not at the corporate level, wherehackers break into Web sites and steal intellectual property for resale at aprofit; or take a legitimate copy, duplicate it, and sell it. This problem isnot a serious one in the US and appears rampant only in certain other areas ofthe world.
Because large-scale operations require a complex,highly visiblebusiness infrastructure—with offices, banking arrangements, manufacturing anddistribution channels, accounts with credit card purveyors,warehouses,and otherphysical installations—legal barriers are still effective.
Rather, the greatest threat is widescale individual theft, in whichmany people acting independently use or copy one or more legitimate copies of awork and do not pay the royalties owed to its producers. This is thepublisher’s and content producer’s prime concern, and the first horn of the dilemma.
Publishers and producers wonder if technologies like Napster willmean they can only sell one copy of a workother users will just make freecopies of the initial one. In these days of networks with virtuallyinstantaneous, planetwide access, this publisher’s nightmare is not sofarfetched. How many books, movies, photographs, or musical pieces will contentproducers create and publish online if selling the first electronic copy extinguishesthe entire market. 展开
Because large-scale operations require a complex,highly visiblebusiness infrastructure—with offices, banking arrangements, manufacturing anddistribution channels, accounts with credit card purveyors,warehouses,and otherphysical installations—legal barriers are still effective.
Rather, the greatest threat is widescale individual theft, in whichmany people acting independently use or copy one or more legitimate copies of awork and do not pay the royalties owed to its producers. This is thepublisher’s and content producer’s prime concern, and the first horn of the dilemma.
Publishers and producers wonder if technologies like Napster willmean they can only sell one copy of a workother users will just make freecopies of the initial one. In these days of networks with virtuallyinstantaneous, planetwide access, this publisher’s nightmare is not sofarfetched. How many books, movies, photographs, or musical pieces will contentproducers create and publish online if selling the first electronic copy extinguishesthe entire market. 展开
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