How does a kid go from good student and model citizen to corporate (集团的)
criminal? My example might lend a few clues. I was in the chess club and got
very good grades. I was, however, sometimes getting in trouble with the law. I
received my first ticket for breaking a traffic law when I was sixteen, the same
year I got a 1. to drive. My dad paid my
fine. Of course, most people would just 2.
off a speeding ticket.
Later, I got into a bigger mess when I was caught stealing a pack of gum from a
local grocer. My parents were 3. and I went to court.
Unfortunately, for me, the judge gave me nothing more than a slap on the wrist.
The 4. never even showed up on my
official record. I wish now that I had been 5. more severely and learned a
lesson. Instead, I just learned to 6.
the system and made sure I
didn't get caught again. That is until this year. This year I was caught
7. corporate bribery and fraud.
I didn't even know investigators were observing my 8. . I had become unbelievably
bold and careless. I didn't believe that they actually 9. people for business crimes.
Recently, corporate crimes have become very 10. with the public. This was a
bad time to get caught. 展开
criminal? My example might lend a few clues. I was in the chess club and got
very good grades. I was, however, sometimes getting in trouble with the law. I
received my first ticket for breaking a traffic law when I was sixteen, the same
year I got a 1. to drive. My dad paid my
fine. Of course, most people would just 2.
off a speeding ticket.
Later, I got into a bigger mess when I was caught stealing a pack of gum from a
local grocer. My parents were 3. and I went to court.
Unfortunately, for me, the judge gave me nothing more than a slap on the wrist.
The 4. never even showed up on my
official record. I wish now that I had been 5. more severely and learned a
lesson. Instead, I just learned to 6.
the system and made sure I
didn't get caught again. That is until this year. This year I was caught
7. corporate bribery and fraud.
I didn't even know investigators were observing my 8. . I had become unbelievably
bold and careless. I didn't believe that they actually 9. people for business crimes.
Recently, corporate crimes have become very 10. with the public. This was a
bad time to get caught. 展开
42.B. 从第二句话得出。我期待学校能有一些改变,但我没料到会看到一栋完全不同的建筑。说明了学校变化大,很难辨认了。
43.A 错就错在completely上。
44.C. 首先排除D,这个人是他们的校长,所以肯定不是一个淘气的孩子。A选项也可以排除,因为此题问的是must be肯定是,校长不一定就是他的老师。排除B选项是因为old这个词,校长是严肃的,文章中也说过新校长是年轻人,但这并不代表之前的校长就年迈啊。选C是因为文中说到Mr. ghastly had iron discipline(铁的纪律)所以说他是一个严厉的校长。
45. D 作者通篇都在赞扬新学校,所以态度是积极的。AB是消极的,所以不选。不选C是因为题中说作者很开心学校还是原来的样子很明显是错的,因为学校完全变了。
43.A 错就错在completely上。
44.C. 首先排除D,这个人是他们的校长,所以肯定不是一个淘气的孩子。A选项也可以排除,因为此题问的是must be肯定是,校长不一定就是他的老师。排除B选项是因为old这个词,校长是严肃的,文章中也说过新校长是年轻人,但这并不代表之前的校长就年迈啊。选C是因为文中说到Mr. ghastly had iron discipline(铁的纪律)所以说他是一个严厉的校长。
45. D 作者通篇都在赞扬新学校,所以态度是积极的。AB是消极的,所以不选。不选C是因为题中说作者很开心学校还是原来的样子很明显是错的,因为学校完全变了。
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