(1) Annual Review of Plant Biology(ANNU REV PLANT BIOL)
(2) Trends in Plant Science (TRENDS PLANT SCI)
(3) Plant Cell (Plant Cell)
(4) Current Opinion in Plant Biology (CURR OPIN PAANT BIOL)
(5) Annual Review of Phytopathology (ANNU REV PHYTOPAYHOL)
(6) Plant Journal (PLANT J)
(7) Plant Physiology (PLANT PHYSIOL)
(8) Plant Molecular Biology (PLANT MOL BIOL)
(9) Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences (CRIT REV PLANT SCI)
(10) Plant Cell and Environment (PLANT CELL ENVIRON)
(11) Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (MOL PLANT MICROBE IN)
(12) Journal of Experimental Botany (J EXP BOT)
(13) Plant and Cell Physiology (PLANT CELL PHYSIOL)
(14) New Phytologist (NEW PHYTOL)
(15) Planta (PLANTA)
(16) Journal of Plant Growth Regulation (J PLANT GROWTH REGUL)
(17) Phytopathology (PHYTOPATHOLOGY)
(18) Australian Journal of Plant Physiology (AUST J PLANT PHYSIOL)
(1) Annual Review of Plant Biology(ANNU REV PLANT BIOL)
(2) Trends in Plant Science (TRENDS PLANT SCI)
(3) Plant Cell (Plant Cell)
(4) Current Opinion in Plant Biology (CURR OPIN PAANT BIOL)
(5) Annual Review of Phytopathology (ANNU REV PHYTOPAYHOL)
(6) Plant Journal (PLANT J)
(7) Plant Physiology (PLANT PHYSIOL)
(8) Plant Molecular Biology (PLANT MOL BIOL)
(9) Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences (CRIT REV PLANT SCI)
(10) Plant Cell and Environment (PLANT CELL ENVIRON)
(11) Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (MOL PLANT MICROBE IN)
(12) Journal of Experimental Botany (J EXP BOT)
(13) Plant and Cell Physiology (PLANT CELL PHYSIOL)
(14) New Phytologist (NEW PHYTOL)
(15) Planta (PLANTA)
(16) Journal of Plant Growth Regulation (J PLANT GROWTH REGUL)
(17) Phytopathology (PHYTOPATHOLOGY)
(18) Australian Journal of Plant Physiology (AUST J PLANT PHYSIOL)