
老师要求我门用英文翻译5条中国春联,我搜了半小时才有了2条,还有几条麻烦各位好心人了,我还需要3条,哥哥姐姐,叔叔阿姨们,这是我的实践作业,帮帮忙吧!T.T... 老师要求我门用英文翻译5条中国春联,我搜了半小时才有了2条,还有几条麻烦各位好心人了,我还需要3条,哥哥姐姐,叔叔阿姨们,这是我的实践作业,帮帮忙吧!
一年四季春常在 万紫千红永开花 横批:喜迎新春

春满人间百花吐艳 福临小院四季常安 横批:欢度春节

百世岁月当代好 千古江山今朝新 横批:万象更新

喜居宝地千年旺 福照家门万事兴 横批:喜迎新春

一帆风顺年年好 万事如意步步高 横批:吉星高照

百年天地回元气 一统山河际太平 横批:国泰民安

春雨丝丝润万物 红梅点点绣千山 横批:春意盎然

一干二净除旧习 五讲四美树新风 横批:辞旧迎春

五湖四海皆春色 万水千山尽得辉 横批:万象更新

一帆风顺吉星到 万事如意福临门 横批:财源广进

一年四季行好运 八方财宝进家门 横批:家和万事兴

绿竹别其三分景 红梅正报万家春 横批:春回大地

红梅含苞傲冬雪 绿柳吐絮迎新春 横批:欢度春节

日出江花红胜火 春来江水绿如蓝 横批:鸟语花香

春满人间欢歌阵阵 福临门第喜气洋洋 横批:五福四海

春临大地百花艳 节至人间万象新 横批:万事如意

福星高照全家福省 春光耀辉满堂春 横批:春意盎然

事事如意大吉祥 家家顺心永安康 横批:四季兴隆

春色明媚山河披锦绣 华夏腾飞祖国万年轻 横批:山河壮丽

迎新春江山锦绣 辞旧岁事泰辉煌 横批:春意盎然

旧岁又添几个喜 新年更上一层楼 横批:辞旧迎新

东风化雨山山翠 政策归心处处春 横批:春风化雨

家过小康欢乐日 春回大地艳阳天 横批:人心欢畅

多劳多得人人乐 丰产丰收岁岁甜 横批:形势喜人

壮丽山河多异彩 文明国度遍高风 横批:山河壮丽

财连亨通步步高 日子红火腾腾起 横批:迎春接福

福旺财旺运气旺 家兴人兴事业兴 横批:喜气盈门

大地流金万事通 冬去春来万象新 横批:欢度春节

大地歌唤彩云 满园春关不住 横批:春色满园

盛世千家乐 新春百家兴 横批:欢度佳节

千年迎新春 瑞雪兆丰年 横批:年年有余

欢声笑语贺新春 欢聚一堂迎新年 横批:合家欢乐

共享锦绣年华 相伴健康天使 横批:福如东海

财源滚滚随春到 喜气洋洋伴福来 横批:财源广进

春风入喜财入户 岁月更新福满门 横批:新春大吉

大顺大财大吉利 新春新喜新世纪 横批:万事如意

占天时地利人和 取九州四海财宝 横批:财源不断

高居宝地财兴旺 福照家门富生辉 横批:心想事成

天地和顺家添财 平安如意人多福 横批:四季平安

春归大地人间暖 福降神州喜临门 横批:福喜盈门

内外平安好运来 合家欢乐财源进 横批:吉星高照

日日财源顺意来 年年福禄随春到 横批:新春大吉

迎喜迎春迎富贵 接财接福接平安 横批:吉祥如意

创大业千秋昌盛 展宏图再就辉煌 横批:大展宏图

一帆风顺年年好 万事如意步步高 横批:五福临门

民安国泰逢盛世 风调雨顺颂华年 横批:民泰国安

精耕细作丰收岁 勤俭持家有余年 横批:国强富民

发愤图强兴大业 勤劳致富建小康 横批:科技致富

欢天喜地度佳节 张灯结彩迎新春 横批:家庭幸福

迎新春事事如意 接鸿福步步高升 横批:好事临门

万事如意展宏图 心想事成兴伟业 横批:五福临门

和顺门第增百福 合家欢乐纳千祥 横批:欢度春节
Throughout the year often in colorful spring bloom forever scroll reads: celebrate the Chinese New Year

Spring Flowers Blooming human Chang An Fulin yard seasons scroll reads: Spring Festival

BES good years through the ages of contemporary country at the present new scroll reads: Vientiane Update

Hi, according to Habitat treasure house all the Millennium Wong Fook Hing scroll reads: celebrate the Chinese New Year

Smooth sailing all the best backgammon good mid-scroll reads: the year to come

Mountains and rivers dominate the world back to the strength of years the international peace scroll reads: peace and prosperity

Run the slightest bit of spring embroidered things Qianshan Plum scroll reads: spring

In addition to fostering new replacement in old habits Wujiangsimei scroll reads: farewell to the old spring

Spring in mountains and rivers all over the world to receive the Hui are scroll reads: Vientiane Update

Smooth sailing all the best Fortune lucky to scroll reads: plenty of money

Good luck all directions throughout the year the line into the house treasure scroll reads: Family Harmony

Jing Hongmei bamboo is not reported its third million Spring Streamer: Spring has

Plum proud of winter snow pine bud boll opening Spring scroll reads: Spring Festival

Flaming Red River Sunrise River spring green as blue scroll reads: Jade

Spring in the world of song and the first joyous bursts of Fortune scroll reads: Wufu universal

Pro Spring Festival to the world the earth brilliant flowers Vientiane new scroll reads: good luck

Best of luck and family portrait Full Chun Yiu Fai scroll reads provincial spring: spring

All the best ever liking every family well-being of a large fortune scroll reads: Seasons booming

Spring beautiful mountains and rivers of the motherland off Phi Fairview million young Chinese scroll reads: magnificent mountains and rivers

Spring landscape beautiful things the old days, Thai brilliant scroll reads: spring

Adds a few hi old age a higher level scroll reads the New Year: New Year

DF Hua-yu Tsui policies Mountain Spring's hearts everywhere scroll reads: Dead Poets Society

Happy at home for the Spring has well-Sunny scroll reads: people cheer

Hard work and everybody likes sweet harvest yield but each scroll reads: gratifying

Magnificent scenery and more civilized countries all over the splendor of high wind scroll reads: magnificent mountains and rivers

Finance steaming with fire from the prosperous days of backgammon scroll reads: the new spring

Wang Jia Fu Wang Cai Wang luck cause Hing Hing Hing people scroll reads: festivity at his door

Know golden land of winter to spring Vientiane new scroll reads: Spring Festival

Earth Songs scroll reads call Choi extra duty spring garden: Spring garden

Prosperous New Year hundreds of thousands of music Xing scroll reads: celebrate the festive season

Spring time of misfortune Millennium scroll reads: every year more than

Gathered laughter greet New Year New Year Streamer: Family Fun

Accompanied by Fairview Health Angel Love Sharing scroll reads: Fu, such as the East China Sea

With the extra cash to spring to joyous blessing with scroll reads: plenty of money

Hi fiscal years into the spring home updates Hofman door scroll reads: Spring down

Dashun auspicious New Year fortune in the new hi large scroll reads the new century: all the best

Opportune to take account of Kyushu universal treasure scroll reads: unlimited supply of money

According to financial prosperity blessing highest treasure house rich brilliance scroll reads: all wishes come true

Tim Choi Shun world peace at home were more than wishful blessing scroll reads: Seasons Ping

Warm earth earth Chungui Xilinmen Divine blessing down scroll reads: Fu Xiyingmen

Good luck to the highlight of peace inside and outside sources of income into the scroll reads: the year to come

Shun-day financial resources intended to mid-spring to scroll reads with the Flow: New Year down

Ying Choi-hi, then rich then spring Fu Ying Ping then scroll reads: good luck

Chang Sheng Zhanhong create the great cause of future generations to figure again brilliant Streamer: grand plans

Smooth sailing all the best backgammon good mid-scroll reads: Five Blessings

Every Man An Guotai Golden Age of favorable weather Songhua scroll reads: China and Thailand An

Has years of intensive harvest-year-old frugal scroll reads: Guoqiang enriching

Jian Xing who had become rich off the great cause of hard-working scroll reads: Technology rich

Spring Festival degree joyfully decorated scroll reads: happy family

New Year all the best backgammon or scroll reads Hongfu then: a good thing Palace

Good luck ambitious show all wishes come true Hing Albert scroll reads: Five Blessings

Shun Fuk the highlight of the first door by satisfied Qianxiang scroll reads: Spring Festival

Joy to the mountains in winter to peach in a total of Qi Xiuli fragrance scroll reads: New Year's down
上联:Everything is possible.任何事都有可能。

下联:Impossible is nothing.没有不可能。

春节英文横批:Just do it.只要肯去做。

willing mind sees nothing impossible, so the broken pots near the sinking boats witnessed mighty Qin‘s surrender before Chu.有志者,事竟成;破釜成舟,百二秦关终属楚。

A waiting heart regards everything available, so the determination from the torturing hay embraced weak Yue‘s triumph over Wu.苦心人,天不负,卧心尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴!

上联: Rose sells rose on Rose Road. Rose在玫瑰路上卖玫瑰。

下联:Give me hand, hand in hand. 给我你的手,让我们手牵手。

横联:Nowhere? Now here! 任何地方都不?现在在这儿!
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2011-01-28 · TA获得超过667个赞
和顺一门有百福 平安二字值千金 横批:万象更新
Cis one has Bedford Word Zhiqian Jin Ping Vientiane Update

一年四季春常在 万紫千红永开花 横批:喜迎新春
Often in the spring all year round Yong colorful flowers Celebrate the Chinese New Year
春满人间百花吐艳 福临小院四季常安 横批:欢度春节
Blooming flowers in spring Poppins Chang An Fulin yard seasons Spring Festival
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2011-01-28 · TA获得超过369个赞
吉祥如意Good luck
恭喜发财Kung Hei Fat Choi
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