To begin with, new things promote people’s abilities to deal with trouble. Taking chances always accompanies challenges. When people tackle arduous troubles, they obtain much knowledge and experience. In other words, after they have dealt with the hard troubles and emerged victorious, they will know how to solve the problems next time and they will also have the determination to accept more demanding challenges. The one who experiences a lot is able to tread the way of to success. Therefore, successful people are fond of trying out things that they have never done before because they reckon that these challenges are necessary for discovering and improving their abilities.
Next, attempting new things expand ken of people. If people only focus on what they can do well instead of testing out new things, what they currently know would then be very limited. Whereas for people who are willing to do new things frequently, they have seen various things and have the abilities to accomplish different sorts of goals. For example, my uncle, a successful manager, always shows his interest in new things.
To sum up, people who experience new things and take quantities of risks have the opportunities of strengthening their abilities, widening their horizons, and making their characters better. All of these are necessary for a successful life and career.
Next, attempting new things expand ken of people. If people only focus on what they can do well instead of testing out new things, what they currently know would then be very limited. Whereas for people who are willing to do new things frequently, they have seen various things and have the abilities to accomplish different sorts of goals. For example, my uncle, a successful manager, always shows his interest in new things.
To sum up, people who experience new things and take quantities of risks have the opportunities of strengthening their abilities, widening their horizons, and making their characters better. All of these are necessary for a successful life and career.