1. 他本想在这家书店里消磨时间,但结果却被几本时尚杂志迷住了。(end up)
答案是:He had meant to pass the time in this bookstore, but he ended up fascinated by several magzines. 我不明白后半句end up 的用法,为什么直接接fascinated ?
2. 生态旅游每年在全世界有大约5%的增长。(enjoy)
答案是:Eco-tourism has enjoyed an annual growth of about 5% worldwide. 我不明白enjoy在这句中的用法,是固定搭配吗?worldwide不是形容词吗?怎么放在最后?
My parents were all standing there, shouting at each other. 1.________
The word "divorce(离婚)" was repeated and broke my heart each time.
I had trapped between them and didn't know what to do. 2._had--was__
A million thoughts rushed into my mind, but nothing of them could 3.________
ease my feelings. I rushed back to my room, seated down in 4.________
silence and stared out of the window. The leaves were floating in air. 5._____ _
They struggled trying to catch the wind and finally they had to fall 6.________
on the ground.I knew I was not the only one had gone through this. But 7._one后加who__
must learn to fight against this. Later in the day I took up with a pen 8.________
and wrote down "It is until I take a step back and look at my family 9._not until__
that I can really appreciate this thing has helped me grow strong and 10.________
第9题为什么加not? 请详细解释,最后一大句是什么意思?没看懂。。
第7题我还是不明白,如果按照定语从句语法"先行词前如果有the only 等词修饰一定要用that", 那么这句为什么用who?这两个词在定语从句中指人时到底怎么用? 展开
答案是:He had meant to pass the time in this bookstore, but he ended up fascinated by several magzines. 我不明白后半句end up 的用法,为什么直接接fascinated ?
2. 生态旅游每年在全世界有大约5%的增长。(enjoy)
答案是:Eco-tourism has enjoyed an annual growth of about 5% worldwide. 我不明白enjoy在这句中的用法,是固定搭配吗?worldwide不是形容词吗?怎么放在最后?
My parents were all standing there, shouting at each other. 1.________
The word "divorce(离婚)" was repeated and broke my heart each time.
I had trapped between them and didn't know what to do. 2._had--was__
A million thoughts rushed into my mind, but nothing of them could 3.________
ease my feelings. I rushed back to my room, seated down in 4.________
silence and stared out of the window. The leaves were floating in air. 5._____ _
They struggled trying to catch the wind and finally they had to fall 6.________
on the ground.I knew I was not the only one had gone through this. But 7._one后加who__
must learn to fight against this. Later in the day I took up with a pen 8.________
and wrote down "It is until I take a step back and look at my family 9._not until__
that I can really appreciate this thing has helped me grow strong and 10.________
第9题为什么加not? 请详细解释,最后一大句是什么意思?没看懂。。
第7题我还是不明白,如果按照定语从句语法"先行词前如果有the only 等词修饰一定要用that", 那么这句为什么用who?这两个词在定语从句中指人时到底怎么用? 展开
1.end up+状语。
这里fascinated by several magzines整句作为状语。而这里面的fascinated又因为被动语态而不可采用动词原形。
第七题:这题我记不清楚了。貌似是the only one+who+定语从句的who是不可省略的,楼主别太信我这个回答喔
第九题:It is not until....that.....(直到。。。才。。。) 是固定搭配,不用纠结
这里fascinated by several magzines整句作为状语。而这里面的fascinated又因为被动语态而不可采用动词原形。
第七题:这题我记不清楚了。貌似是the only one+who+定语从句的who是不可省略的,楼主别太信我这个回答喔
第九题:It is not until....that.....(直到。。。才。。。) 是固定搭配,不用纠结