Tom's mother died when he was a little child and he was adopted by his aunt(Aunt Polly). Tom, the clever and naughty boy, could not stand the restrain of his aunt and the school, so he often played truant and got into troubles. One night, he and his friend Huckleberry Finn played in the graveyard, and saw a murder by accident. Being afraid of known by the murderers, Tom and Huckleberry went to a deserted island as "robbers" along with some other friends. And so they were believed to be drawn in the river, and they went to attend the "funeral" held for themselves. After thinking long and hard, Tom stand out and pointed out the murderers. Not for long, Tom and his dear girl Betty Keatcher got lost in a grotto and strived for life for three whole days and nights……
At last, they went out the grotto and were saved by villagers. They told the villagers their experiences, and they stemmed the grotto with a huge stone. Tom and the girl told that when they met the murderer Dean Joe, he was already dead. At last, Tom and Huckleberry went back to the grotto and found a fortune there.
At last, they went out the grotto and were saved by villagers. They told the villagers their experiences, and they stemmed the grotto with a huge stone. Tom and the girl told that when they met the murderer Dean Joe, he was already dead. At last, Tom and Huckleberry went back to the grotto and found a fortune there.
Adventures of Tom Sawyer "is one of Mark Twain's four masterpieces. Tom Sawyer is a novel description of a group of children led by naive romantic life. Their homework to get rid of dull, dull false teachings and the living environment, and made all kinds of adventures. Tom is a smart move for the child love, epitomized in his wisdom, tricks, justice, courage and even leadership, and many can be. He is a collection of multiple roles, resourceful, compassionate, who resented the attitude of the reality, bent out of bondage, to as outlaws, too chivalric life. Novel shape of Tom Sawyer is a good vision also have trouble with the image of him flesh and blood, life, the reader has left a deep impression. In the aunt's eyes, he is a naughty, naughty, but she has time and again by his "ingenuity" to soften.
参考资料: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/157673283.html
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